Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Junkyard Horses

Move back a couple of feet from the screen and take another look at that pastoral scene below. Those horses look pretty doggone real, don't they.

Then move in for a closer look -- the three horses grazing in front of the Phippen Museum are sculpted from junkyard materials. Author: Gene Galazan.

His horses are also planted along McCormick Street as you come down the bend from Sheldon. Three of 'em. Here are two:

Not much more to say except that I wouldn't mind having one of my own.


  1. Anonymous1:20 PM

    These are way cool.


  2. I'm working on a post about little girls and horsies -- in the meantime, if you're into horse flesh in any way, do drop in on Kimberly. You'd be ready to give up Arizona for NMex any day!
