Monday, August 14, 2006

Miss Kitty's Cat House

It's hard to know where to begin. You see, there's this house -- a little old cottage, really -- that is occupied by 25 cats. Comfortable, well fed, proprietary cats. They might as well own the place. In a way, they do.

When friend and I visited, there was one volunteer on hand, but I didn't get the impression that the cats gave that much of a damn.

The point of Miss Kitty's is that it is a real home for cats who've lost their homes. The place is clean, reasonably odor-free and even has kitchen cabinets that are partially open so that cats like my Max (who hates closed doors) can explore to their hearts' content.

Everywhere you look, there are comfy cat accessories & hiding places and plenty of sleeping places. After all, that's what most cats spend most of their time doing -- sleeping. Miss Kitty's is no exception.

Cat castles, cat baskets, cat pillows. You name it, they've got it. The house was surprisingly uncrowded. I would never have guessed that there were 25 cats in residence -- maybe as many as eight or nine was what it looked like.

Like many cats, looking out the window is a way to pass the time.

And if the animal above really wanted to go out, provision is made for that, too, with more cat amenities in the outdoor run.

All the cats at Miss Kitty's are available for adoption. If they don't find the right people, they have a splendid home for life.

Hurrah for Miss Kitty.


  1. This is Cats' Heaven :)

  2. Is this your house? How do you cope with all that litter? I have three cats and can hardly keep up.

    They sure look comfy there though in this cat friendly home!

  3. Lord no, not my house! I have no idea who Miss Kitty might be -- a person or a group. However, there are volunteers who handle all the chores and they certainly had done a great job of keeping the place tidy. I have only my one Max cat, who is quite enough.

  4. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Love the kitty pics. We have "The House of Mews" here in Blues Town. Same deal.

  5. Anonymous2:30 PM

    This is truly cat heaven. :>) For Christmas we were going to get our daughter 1 cat. we visited w/the cats and the nice lady who runs the house for about 2hrs. we ended up w/2 cats-a mother and her son. These cats are so well taking care of and loved it's wonderful. They know everything about every cat there so they find the "right" home. great experience!

  6. Thank you for your post -- every time I have visited Miss Kitty's, I've been very impressed with how comfortable the cats are, how pleasant any people there are, and I have heard nothing but good about the entire operation.

  7. I volunteered as much as I could at Miss Kitty's for a couple years, until I got a family, and still help out when I can. Two of my three inside cats are from Miss Kitty's and they are a love of my life. Anybody that reads this blog and can afford a donation of food and supplies, time, or cash should open up their hearts and help out.
