Friday, September 08, 2006

Come the Carnivals

This is a thank-you note, dedicated to both civilians and bloggers (folks who write blogs.)

For starters, there's Mommy the Maid, who posted a link to the tale of granddaughter and her Day at the Races in the weekly Carnival of Family Life. Took top place, which won a prize -- macademia nut candy, being shipped from Hawaii by Kailani. Mmmm! My thanks to both of them -- and to the granddaughter and the Memphis niece, who had the starring roles!

Let me back up and explain a little more: the Internet is chock-a-block full of blogs, a few written by pros but most others by amateurs like me. There are blogs on all manner of politics, of teen angst, of (shh!) S-x, of books and writing, cats and cars, as well as shoes, ships and sealing wax.

In short, think of a subject and there will be several (or hundreds of) blogs treating that subject from all angles.

The carnivals are periodic showcases of some of the more interesting posts on a particular subject. And Walking Prescott has been among those featured on a couple recently:

Miss Kitty's Cat House and Angry Cats both made The Carnival of Cats (here and here) ... and Critter Sightings was mentioned at the Friday Ark, which deals with all sorts of mammalian animals. There will possibly be others in the future.

Why don't you go to these sites and take a look -- you'll find a lot of new and interesting places to visit!


  1. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Looks like we are both stars. Glad the horsie is doing better. Surgery with a plastic fork is always iffy. Congrats on your blue ribbon!

  2. Anonymous4:22 PM

    sorry to post this as a comment, but I couldn't find an email for you.
    I want to invite you to join us for the AZ bloggers get together if you are interested.

  3. I keep saying, We should have a Carnival of the Commenters some day.

    We all love our commenters.

    Some of the best ones are also bloggers.

    So it could be a very interesting Carnival, indeed!

  4. I recall reading an item about a blog plug-in or some such that enables you to keep the running comments in the open at the bottom of the page. Sounds like an approach to me.

