All about the flavor of a small mountain city and the surrounding outback: neighborhood surprises ... wildflowers and nature ... the forest ... people and events ... plus occasional comments on science fiction, music, and the Great Wide World Beyond
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Grafitti Busters
Burglars vs. locksmiths...grafitti vs.??? Grafitti Busters, that's what these gents' shirts said. They were on the job early yesterday afternoon when I passed by, obliterating the grafitti from the previous day. In the long run, in a city like Prescott, the number of potential Grafitti Busters probably outnumbers the markers many times over, fortunately. A little (very little) bit of grafitti can spice things up; a lot is an attack on civilization itself.
While on my walk I also caught these new samples, including the work of a pacifist who needs to spend a little more time with his spelling lessons and less time marking up walls!
Why do you bother to show pictures of grafitti? That's what those vandals want -- attention. You're just feeding their egos.