Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Link of the Day

Years ago my Uncle Max worked for Coronado National Forest, out of Tucson. My younger brother and I were invited down from Phoenix for a couple of days. So Uncle Max drove down on his Indian (I believe) motorcycle, while Aunt Betty drove the pick-up truck. We were parcelled out between the two of them. That's my only bike ride in my whole life -- and it still is memorable. Wind in my hair as we raced across the desert -- all the Good Things. By way of introducing a site with a batch of historic and antique motorcycles, starting with the 1885 Daimler.


  1. Anonymous1:21 AM

    As I recall, the bike was white and Uncle Max took me on a burn up a hill where the white 'T' for Tucson was located. I don't remember the pick-up.


  2. I see you didn't argue with my ID of it as an Indian!
