Sunday, November 05, 2006

Rolling Adverts

No -- your eyes aren't deceiving you. That is Thumb Butte smack dab in the middle of that car. Look down lower and you'll see downtown.

More photography on the back of this realtor's car: the courthouse and even Bucky O'Neill. What a way to say that you are deeply into Prescott real estate!

And even if I don't patronize this particular plumbing firm, that doesn't prevent me from admiring their rolling art work.

Fancy That's truck is just that -- fancy. I have to admit that it took me a while to figure out just where the store was located. But I do like to see those bright colors motoring around while I'm out walking!

As for this van, I don't know if it is truly amphibious, tho that is what it seems to declare. Nonetheless, the decor is such that I thought I'd just pop the vehicle in this portfolio with the others. Too bad I didn't spot one of those exterminator's yellow cars with the mouse ears as a finale.

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