Saturday, December 30, 2006

Unwelcome Surprise

Normally, in the course of this day or that, I enjoy small surprises. They add spice ... improve the flavor of events (or non-events.) I do not like the unexpected when I place an order by mail or via the Internet. This box, which arrived this morning, said it came from Reebok...

...which meant it should have contained new walking shoes, a replacement for the scuzzy pair above. Of course, if you look carefully, you'll see that shoes in my size would never fit in that box. So what did it contain?

Apparently a set of Sponge Bob pjs, size unspecified. I'm not opening the packaging to find out since they obviously wouldn't fit me. So I now I can look forward to repackaging & returning the dang box & somehow getting those shoes that I ordered. Maybe it's just as well that I'm more or less housebound right now. Argh!


  1. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Wierd things happen with packages this time of year. I was waiting for an order, called the company -they insisted it had been delivered and then PICKED BACK UP BY THE DELIVERY SERVICE! They could offer no explanation as to why a busy delivery service would come back to pick up a delivered pkg. Ah well......
    I hope you are feeling much better G.J. Take good care of yourself. Not that you exactly belong to us, but we do love you and your blog.
    Just read your other comments and can only quote Miss Snark,

  2. There! (She dusts her hands.) That does it -- what Linda was referring to at the end -- two pieces of blog spam, which I just erased with the handy erasure tool. As for the Sponge Bob item, it begins to look like a t-shirt in small (boy/ grown-up/???). I might just open the package after all.

  3. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Happy New Year Granny J.

  4. Are you anticipating acquiring a new shirt? Of the SpongeBob SquarePants persuasion?

  5. I gave into temptation. It wasn't a tee; it was a pair of PJ bottoms only. Not something I'm really in need of, either. Pooh!
