Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Loaner Arrived...

...and now I have to learn this new machine's peculiarities! This I definitely didn't need. No PhotoShop. More woes: 1) it is not reading the DVD I burned with most of my pictures on it which means that I have to take new pictures until I get my own, comfy computer back. 2) One more keyboard has accumulated enough cat hair 'neath the space bar that it doesn't deliver more than half the time; I must either slam the space bar the way mid-level executives hit their keyboards -- or go back and insert spaces between most words. But: I'm back on-line and out of the great black hole where I've been stuck!!! Thank you for your patience.


  1. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Welcome back G.J.! Morning coffee without you is just isn't the same...

  2. Sorry my first post back was so surly! It's the dang cat hair in the keyboard -- guru's son busted his butt getting me the loaner & I thank him mightily!

  3. Anonymous10:34 AM

    A little cat hair won't hurt, unless you have an allergy.

  4. Steve-- the cat hair gets between the space bar & its contact, as a result, I have to work to get spaces between words. Takes time & tries my patience!

  5. Besides -- you are a writer, Steve. Imagine sitting down at the keyboard, your story is connecting fast with your fingers andthedangspacebarisn't working.

  6. I agree with Linda G.

    Where-ever I am in the great state of Arizona on any given morning, I love to check in with your blog as the coffee gets to work.

    Glad to have you bet, J!

  7. Anonymous8:14 AM

    You have a point (grin).
