Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Mucking Up the Mountainside

The rise in this picture is the lower, Southeast slope of our very own volcano, Glassford Hill. For most of my years in Prescott, it was a pleasant small mountain, clean, with no man-mades to ruin the prospect. No longer. Prescott Valley can't grow fast enough for its city fathers. So what's wrong with a car dealer up on the mountainside. Good way to get noticed. Especially at night, when the place is all lit up. In fact, it is so bright that a friend and my daughter, independently, call it The Mother Ship. Truly garish, it is.

In contrast: this huge hillside apartment complex which matches the basalt outcroppings and almost looks as if it might be a monastery. The architect or builder should be congratuated for restraint, tho I'm told that at night, when the tenants all are home from work, the lights do come on.

Nearby, a sight that truly makes me shudder -- blades lined up cheek by jowl on both sides of SR69, California-style, ready to flatten more mountain for more shopping center. Just what we need -- lots of sales tax for the government and low-pay retail jobs for the subjects. BTW, I'm not ranting -- just commenting. But take a read of former PV councilman Tom Steele's blog, The Truth Prescott Valley. Might well get your juices worked up. And while I'm on the subject of PV, Steve Words had something to say about a concert at the new arena over east of Glassford Hill.


  1. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I remember when Prescott Valley was the wide open Fain ranch known as Lonesome Valley. The wind blew free, Herford cattle grazed, the deer and the antelope played and seldom was heard a discouraging word..... Sigh............



  2. Anonymous1:24 PM

    As th population grows, so will sprawl.

    If it's your birthday, let me offer my good wishes.

  3. Linda -- I never saw Lonesome Valley-- but when my daughter/SIL lived in PV, they could see the antelope herd. No more from that house...
    Steve-- It is indeed--I may write about it tonight...

  4. Sorry, Anon -- I don't want to tempt the libel gods. However, I am reproducing your letter below with names left out, because I think that what you have to say is important.

  5. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Yep, that whole side of the mountainside will be gone in the next 2 years. They are building another shopping center and more homes in that area. I was even told that another hotel is going there, possibly 100+ units, 3-stories. That is IN ADDITION to the hotel that is being built next to the stadium.

    This is the way it will be but what really gets me is the corruption and politics (they go hand-in-hand) of some developers. They control PV. They control the politicians and the police department. They have the $$$ & power to do so. Getting back to my point. They call the shots on who can and cannot build. They own A LOT of property and look-out if you ever cross their paths, as your business and livelihood can & will cease in PV.

    While I don't want this blog to become political per the request of the blogger. I cannot be but disgusted by PV and Prescott and its corruption. The big developers and landholders are greedy, liars, thugs and criminals. I wish the FBI would look into this town and its practices because there is some really shady stuff going on.

    Someone needs to write a book or make a movie on this area. It would make quite a good showing...

    11:12 PM

  6. My late husband used to say that the history of the USA could be told in the stories of the land developers -- from the very beginnings.

  7. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Granny J -

    I understand.

    Tom Steele's web-site is an excellent source for what is truly going on here in Prescott & PV. I am out there in the business world and see it everyday. When small business people wish to do something and it involves Mr.X ;) they state things as, "we better not do that as it might upset Mr.X". I was THREATENED by them and nothing was done by the police. Then I had the tables turned. They had the police try and arrest someone I knew based on inaccurate & twisted information. Fortunately, that did not happen but it showed me that they have the power to manipulate the police department.
    I was in complete shock. As the police were basically like their own personal security crew.

    Read Tom Steele's information on his site. He has had similar experiences.

    That is one of many reasons why I NO LONGER WANT TO LIVE HERE!! People involved in the business world here know these things and either have to keep their mouth shut or face serious financial and even physical consequences. A lot of people who just "work" in the workforce are not too privy on what's going on. The retirement community, NO OFFENSE :) for the most part has no idea of what is going on with Mr.X and the other thugs in town.

    I'm sorry if I ranted here but it is a sad state of affairs here. Why can't a hard working business person just run their business and move on with life. Instead, Mr. X is always involved and they call the shots on who gets elected, who builds, who has a career, who buys, etc. If you are a realtor and cross Mr. X, your career here IS OVER!

    Granny J - thank you for letting me vent. It is difficult to live here and make a living. I wish the FBI would at least take a look to see what is going on here. At a minimum there is a form of organized crime going on.

  8. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I've talked to old-timers who loved the Prescott that was and the land. Many no longer give a damn & frankly want to cash out, move on and leave it to the Californians. I've talked to old ranchers who were, indeed, stewards of the land. They've been reviled by the environmentalists for years. Now that their children, who want no part of the poorly paid ranching life, are cashing out, the environmental costs are many times higher than in the past. The developers will be long gone when the water runs out.

  9. Well, I still am very fond of Prescott -- which is why this blog! My solution to the awareness of sprawl is to live in the center of town while the sprawl happens out there. That way I don't have to see it everyday and weep. Did the same thing in Chicago -- enjoyed city life while the countryside went to hell. At least here you can get into the forest without having to see the seas of houses.
