Saturday, March 31, 2007

Trees in Bloom

It is close to the end of the blooming season for our deciduous trees; in fact, the lilacs are about to open big time. Therefore, I'm getting my blossoming tree pictures out in public while the season is still on.

I'm not really sure which brand of tree this is; common enough that it might be an ash. Hoping that a reader may be able to help me out. Since this is a tree matter, I suspect it should be a male reader. Funny. It's been my experience that IDing flowers is a girl thing, while expertise in trees tends to be a guy thing.

Of course, being a civilized little city, Prescott is peopled with folks who have planted many, many ornamental fruit trees with beautiful spring blossoms and no intentions of producing fruit. The flowers above are an exception; I caught these up the hill at the Shrine of St. Joseph. Possibly a peach volunteer from a visitor's lunch. I have a little peach tree that came up from a seed I tossed; it has rewarded me with one peach.

OK, I'm not quite sure just which of the ornamentals this cluster of buds represents. Anyone out there more expert with a suggestion? Mighty pretty in any event.

Once the red-purple leaves have popped, the flowering plum is especially spectacular.

This tree was a huge white presence along Park Avenue. Possibly a flowering pear, very popular in Prescott.

Seeds of the Siberian elm appear early in spring, lending a lovely green to the local scenery. Looking at all those seeds (below), you can understand why this import has turned into an unwelcome guest tree in much of the country. My neighbor has been fighting a losing battle against the Siberian elm.

These small, unpretentious flowers were on a heavily blooming, fragrant squaw bush (three-leaf sumac for the politically correct; lemonade bush for the old-fashioned.) A flock of early butterflies was sipping nectar as I took pictures, but none would hold still long enough for a portrait.

Don't know anything about this red beauty. Tain't local -- something from the nursery.

As is this popular ornamental bush.

And in conclusion, more Siberian elms, because they are simply very photogenic. And green.


  1. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Granny, nice pictures. We are still a ways away from flowers and blooms.

  2. Our flowering trees are almost finished. Now it's leafy green time. Keep your fingers crossed that we don't get a late frost, since I appear to have some apricots set.

  3. Great pix, gj. You have shamed my efforts.

  4. Tut, Mr. Cat -- I've seen some neat pictures on your site recently. In the meantime, having finally bested the packaging ogres and translated the instruction obscurantism into action, I give the new camera a test drive this afternoon. Wish me well!
