Sunday, April 22, 2007

Shelved Cats

The Max cat has never seen a door that he doesn't want to open nor a shelf he doesn't want to occupy (nor a keyboard that wouldn't be improved with a proper coat of cat hair.)

This time, this morning, I was lucky -- the little Sony, now my back-up camera, was handy. I caught my DC (Dear Cat) as he was cramming his body into this small, jam packed shelf in my office.

After a couple of cartridges and a can of fixative were pushed off the shelf, there was apparently room for DC to ensconce himself. He purred.

Like all cat critters, he got bored fast. Time to get down?

Yep -- he made it without a problem...

...ensconcing himself once again in his standard nest between computers and backed up by the fax machine, which he regularly knocks off the desk. The FedEx envelope is not a blanket -- it is a barrier between Max and the keyboard as his pillow.

In the meantime, my little gift siamese from over 25 years ago looks on all this excitement without a change in expression! Thanks, Judy.


  1. Oh...kitties are too silly. I surprised mine with a big good morning kiss, as she was sleeping on the pillow next to me this morning! I love love love your little kitty with the rhinestones...too cute!

  2. Our Jazz likes to greet us some mornings sitting in the middle of the dining be sent scurrying with a loud "get down!"

  3. Welcome, chickenbells. I see you have a well behaved animal. Max has been banned from the bedroom because he gets angry at me for not waking up 1st thing in the morning & he bites!

    Yes, Mr. Cat-A, cats do seem to learn the word "down!" Thank goodness...

  4. Beautiful blue eyes! Love the vertigo shot.

  5. Aw, that was great! My cats loved shelves too. And Babycat, in his great age, was finally allowed upon the forbidden workstation. He was around 17 or so then.

    As time went on and his joints ached him, he got an old *disposable* pillow to lay on, one I brought home from a hospital stay. I washed it forever and it never fell apart as long as he lived.

    In my experience, cats can learn a surprisingly wide variety of human words. Whether they choose to respond to them - now, that's a different matter entirely.

  6. Yes, Lucy, the Max is a very handsome Siamese mutt (though the more pretentious are labelling the tabby/Siamese mix "Lynx points" these days. Much classier.

    The funny thing, k, is that it's been several years and this is the 1st time that he has tried a high shelf.

  7. Hi Julie: So happy to see that you are following the family trait of being a cat owner. Remember how many Granma Mills had around? I am up to 4 strays with a 4th one hiding under the house with new kittens!!!!
    Lotsa love, Cousin Robin

  8. Welcome,Cuz -- Max is my lone cat, currently. To the extent we have strays in the neighborhood, there is a lady down the street who takes very good care of them! We have two regular visitors -- a tuxedo cat and a marmalade cat named Amber, who started shouting "come out and play" to Max when he was a mere kitten.
