Thursday, April 26, 2007

A Writerly Evening at the Library

I am reminded of why I joined the Professional Writers of Prescott nearly 20 years ago when we moved away from our rural digs. PWP was a way for the new kid in town (me) to meet sympatico people. It still is. I went to their meeting last night for the first time in several months.

Here's how it works. First, the greeting table, for signing up, for noting a couple of books to be raffled and for checking out all kinds of writerly handouts, such as those below -- programs, workshops, publishing opportunities, contests.

The evening starts out at six with a networking session. What are they all looking at? In this case, a member, below, had some comments to make on what is and what isn't humorous -- the evening's theme.

After the networking and before the main meeting, a chance to schmooze and/or look over books by members (below.) PWP, by the way, isn't just for successful authors; many, many members are just starting out. Over the years, I've watched individuals hone their skills and become published writers!

The highlight of the monthly meeting: a speaker, a round table or perhaps the Mad Poets. Last night, we heard mystery writer Kris Neri discuss the many ways to weave humor into one's writing. Neri is not only the author of the Traci Eaton mysteries, but, with her husband Joe, owns the Well Read Coyote bookstore in Sedona. One of her points I particularly liked: humor grows out of chaos.

After the presentation, a book signing. Neri, by the way, is one of nine mystery authors who regularly blog at Femme Fatales. And, if PWP sounds interesting, check it out further at the web site -- or come to a meeting, the fourth Wednesday of the month at the new, improved downtown library.

Later Link Notes: A Prescott Courier reporter was at the meeting and did a good job of actually covering just what Neri had to say, as opposed to me all tied up in picture-taking. Go take a look!


  1. Anonymous12:41 AM

    That sounds like an interesting evening. Lots of nice folks. Wish I could attend.

  2. Yes, Steve -- very good company!

  3. OMG! I know (cybernetically speaking), Kris Neri. She's on one of the writer forums I belong to. How cool...and how annoying I didn't know she was coming to town. As always, a great post with tons of nifty pics!

  4. It's time you signed up with PWP, Angie! Actually, this particular program got a reasonable amount of publicity! BTW, her presentation made a very worthwhile evening.
