Monday, May 21, 2007

The Blog Interviews

As you walk the long hall to the loos at The Raven Cafe, you will pass a small room on the left with sound baffles, mikes and assorted electronic gear. Look like a miniature radio studio? Well, that's just what it is -- the home of Coyote Radio and The Prescott Arts Beat Podcast/Broadcast.

You'll find plenty of interesting local interviews at the web site: musicians, artists, photographers, rodeo folk -- and now, bloggers! And, vanity of vanities, I am the first up. When CR/PAB's Andrew convened the first meet-up for local bloggers, he took time out to interview us all. Now the results are starting to show up. Do take a listen -- and keep checking back; three more will be posted this week.

Other Notes: Folks looking to retire in a Victorian era gold mining town may rightly feel that Prescott has expanded beyond its charm. I just came across the perfect solution for such persons: KiwiWriter down in New Zealand posted about the Australian town of Clune, Victoria, whose 860 residents are trying to revive a place chock-a-block full of wonderful, empty old Victorian houses. Their plan is to lure a bunch of booksellers to set up shop and promote Clune as a booktown. If you ask me, what they need to do is drop the word in a couple of California Baby Boomers' ears and let word-of mouth do the rest! (Not forgetting that there are two wineries in or near town --and assuming the prices are right, of course.)


  1. Oh man, I want to go to Clunes and start over. I still have a beginning supply of books!

  2. Hey, Mr. Cat-A -- maybe we could go halvsies, considering my front hallway, not to mention the unopened boxes in the basement from two moves ago...

  3. Anonymous1:40 AM

    it is nice to hear a voice that I can now connect to your site. Good on you.

  4. Anonymous6:48 AM

    The folks in Clune need to appeal to artists, like Jerome did.

    I liked the interview, o you doyenne, you linchpin of local bloggers!

  5. Thanks to Steve G. - I heard this interview of yours and I loved your first quote... "The last time I was interviewed ~ it was because I was drunk in Milwaukee!" Now that is CLASSIC! Truly! I enjoyed the plant pictures on your blog posts as well! I too could do a world of posts around Chicago... in fact I may! thx! ~ jb///

  6. How cool is that!!! I'll have to go back to listen to the entire interview. You posted on my blog and since I'm so new to this blogging thing, I didn't see any way to reply to it other than to post on your blog. Our cabin is just a summer place that we have had since the '70s and I am physically a Phoenician although my heart is in Prescott.

  7. Steve -- What pleased me is that my voice still belies my years!

    Dotter -- Don't know if OZ is ready for the upscale down-at-the-heels world yet...

    lz -- I could read plenty of the right posts about Chicago. I understand that in true Chicago fashion, there are now blogs that focus on specific Chi neighborhoods.

    Qdogs -- good to see you here again; I'll keep you posted as to the next local bloggers meet-up. It'll be a weekend and so you could attend.

  8. Well that was fun - I listened to the whole thing. It IS good to put a voice and some more things with the blogger. I thought I heard you call yourself Julie, hence the Granny J. I've been trying to get my niece and nephew to call me "AJ" for Aunt Julia but they don't. Oh well.

  9. Hi, JuliaR -- Glad you enjoyed the podcast. BTW, I had an AJ -- my Aunt Jo, who lived to 103 & was entertaining her fellow inmates at the old folks home with tales about how she stole an airplane one day.

  10. HA!

    So you get drunk in Milwaukee and your aunt runs around stealing airplanes.

    Boy oh boy, this interview bit is revealing, isn't it?

    hee hee!

    And ME? do *I* get to hear it?


    Not yet anyway.

    The desktop's speakers aren't hooked up, and the laptop isn't getting on the internet because the silly router is having kittens once again.


    And, seriously - congratulations. That was a very fine accomplishment, there, and I'm glad they appreciate you as they should.

    WE'RE #1! HEY! WE'RE #1!!!

  11. Hello, k -- you caught up on your reading, I see!! I guess I'm #1 in that I was published 1st. Beyond that point, I wouldn't venture to say! Glad you think so, tho. Actually, I got drunk the night before the intereview in Milwaukee -- with the talk show host; we both had ungodly hangovers & were on L*I*V*E which was very scary, if you're careless with language as I am, having learned about being a journalist from Ben Hecht types. Good luck on your trek to the frozen tundra!

  12. Yup. I'm boinging around like a fly in the window and got to jonesing again. I feel MUCH better now! One thing about getting behind is, on your blog, I get rewarded with lots of great stuff at one time when I get the chance to come back.

    I wonder sometimes if all those years in journalism helped you get the discipline, or whatever it is, to post so consistently. I try, but my sense of time passing is not anything approaching normal any more, and suddenly a week has gone by...

    If it were me in that interview in Milwaukee? Oh, I would have been verrrrry nervous!

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who's internal, uh, Word Police doesn't always toe the line!

  13. Hi Granny J

    Haven't had a chance to stop by Walking Prescott for a while...

    Just been listening to your interview...was fun to hear the voice behind the photos...

    Cheers, Liz

  14. Welcome back, Kiwi, and don't wait too long for your next visit!
