Saturday, May 05, 2007


Or is this local bank really a subsidiary of the giant? Or: who owns that bench and is selling space? In any event, this looks like a picture of David vs. Goliath, for sure!

In the meantime, as I was taking the above picture, the other giant across the street was apparently announcing its intention of making friendly. A heavy application of PhotoShop to that sign just now revealed that Chase was inviting everyone to a big bank Bar-B-Q. But then I don't have Superman's eyebones; as a result, missed a free feed (and pictures) on Friday! Too bad.

Note: what with Hollywood gun memorabilia, a cowboy bar and the Prescott blogger meet-up all in one day, I'm suffering from severe input overload. Maybe by tomorrow, I'll be able to pull some of it all together.


  1. Anonymous11:21 AM

    A free Bar-B-Q. Sorry you missed it.

  2. Hey, Granny J! It was great to have a chance to see you and talk Saturday. The Prescott Blogfest was a great idea & I'm looking forward to doing it again. Get some rest - I was tired just from errands and the get-together. Don't know where you keep your energy!

  3. Yeah, Steve, I missed the BarBQ Friday, but Saturday was busy enough to make up for several missed BarBQs!

    Hi, Angie -- wasn't it a great get together? My many thanks to your hubster for pulling it off!
