Friday, June 01, 2007

Birthday BBQ in a Western Stage Set

When I mentioned in a recent comment that kitsch made for great photography & interesting posts, here's an example I had in mind, the now renowned Buzzard's Roost, down in Yarnell. Friends Patti and Bob had raved about the BBQ; sometime later my friend sheoflittlebrain determined to treat me to a birthday lunch at Buford's. A couple of months late, but the wait was well worth it.

A large part of the restaurant's land is occupied by the hokey Western set (that's what Mrs. Buford calls it, as in "striking the set" when the lease is up next month.)

There isn't as much room for stage setting inside Buford's, but there are interesting objects, like this range you'd remember if you were anywhere near my age.

Even a couple of namesake buzzards up near the eaves.

And here's my birthday luncheon plate -- beans, gently cooked veggies, and a huge sandwich chockablock full of BBQ-to-die for. No, I didn't eat it all at one sitting; yes, I did have BBQ for supper that night! And, yes, we did have further adventures that day which I'll post at another time. One other important note: the lease for the Buzzard's Roost is up mid-July; the Bufords are actively looking for another location. In Yarnell.


  1. Oh, yummie...except for those veggies. What are they doin' on a BBQ plate? Cole slaw, maybe, but no veggies.

  2. Anonymous1:13 AM

    The BBQ looked mighty good. Enough as you mentioned for two meals.

  3. Twas a fun day. What shall we do next?

  4. Cat-A -- I coulda had cole slaw, but the veggie side sounded good, it was, and I made up for all that BBQ!

    Steve -- yep, two wonderful meals.

    Brain -- Maybe a trip for lunch down at the Arrowhead to get the inside story of who's kept Frog Rock painted all these years (I remember it from my childhood...)

  5. Yep, I could eat that. The veggies and beans together, bit strange, but why not? What's the purple stuff in the bun with the burger?
    Mmm, mouth watering now.
    Lot's of food about on blogs these days...

  6. I actually ate there three years ago when I was covering a court case that got moved from Mayer to Yarnell.

    Truly excellent food!

    What was your drive time like, J?

  7. Lucy-- the purple must be an artifact of the lighting! There's nothing in that sandwich but smoke-style BBQ pork and bun.

    Coyote-- I couldn't come near guessing the drive time -- first off, she-of-little-brain was driving; secondly, we like moseyed so I could take pictures of Skull Valley ranches and the White Spar curves (and the actual white spar that the road is named for.)
