Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Guest Cat

"Love us, put up with our cat." Introducing Yoda who travels as part of Sson's entourage. Yoda is one pushy cat. Turns out my Max cat is a wuss. Even though the house has been divided into two parts, one for each cat, Max hides out whenever he's inside. Poor, put upon Max!


  1. What a wonderful photo! I love the laugh, & the cat!

  2. Nice moggy! I guess the power of the Force is with Yoda?

  3. Meggie -- Isn't that just a splendid laugh? And such a self-satisfied Yoda cat.

    You're so right, Avus!

  4. WOW! Does that cat's personality shine though, or what? Not to mention his Special Human!

  5. That cat eats too much!

  6. k -- isn't that a great picture of the DIL? As for the cat, he looks his personality!

    Cat-A -- he's not really a portly cat,tho he looks so in the picture...

  7. Wow, nice picture of the guest cat! One of our four always wanted to be an "only" kitty and she hides whenever any of the step-sibs are around!

  8. Welcome, Irish! Max, fortunately or unfortunately, is a lone cat & has a hard enough time defending his outdoor turf from the amber cat and the tuxedo cat who occasionally come calling.
