Monday, July 09, 2007

Another Visitor

So the daughter & SIL needed some concentrated work time for the house they are trying to sell before the Alaska move. Result: a weekend with the little one. It was hot. She was constantly on the go. Whew!

What is there for a little girl to do at GrannyJ's? Since she didn't really care for all of those monsters I drew for her (example below) and I didn't have any coloring books, I decided to consult The Google -- who else. Site recommended: A winner.

Of course, one can always put a kid to work if it looks like fun. Whitewashing fences, for example. Not having any fences, we made do with watering my pot garden. Oops, I mean my plants in pots. Naturally, she decided that she, too, needed to be hosed down. From there, it was a short step to fun with a spray bottle on the back porch!

Next door to feed the fish; thank you, good neighbors! We read poems, watched Shirley Temple play The Little Princess at least twice (granddaughter learned an old music hall ditty from that movie) and generally had a busy time of it. I was worn out by the time her parents arrived for retrieval; they, by the way, had a wonderful dinner for two the previous night! Good for them, good for me.

Note: Updating my recent tagging of 8 people to post 8 fascinating facts about themselves: #3 has complied. Go visit Desert Cat, who actually copped out by asking his Daisy Cat to make up the list! Friend k has politely declined, so that leaves four folk -- you know who you are, get with it, guys!


  1. Anonymous12:36 AM

    I have an excuse, though it is a skimpy one. I have tons of pictures from our vacation and I have to get them in order. Once that is done, I'll put some thought into it.

  2. steve-- excuses, excuses -- always excuses!! But I look forward to knowing you better.

  3. Anonymous2:13 AM

    Too bad that you didn't have WNG's recipe for blown bubbles. I believe he worked for years concocting brews of detergent and glycerine until he perfected same and used for the enjoyment of assorted grand daughters.


  4. What a charmer! Looks like you kept her busy and happy. What song did she learn?

  5. Bro -- I was never present for a super-bubble scene. However, I have a dark spot on the concrete where the little one spilled some ready-made bubble gunk...

    Brain-- I could whistle the dang tune, but I don't think I actually heard any words! It's certainly a tune I could imagine Benny Hill belting out...

  6. Anonymous3:53 AM

    Julie, I don’t do well at tag, but since it came from a woman I respect, I’ll do an abbreviated version and post it as a comment.

    8 facts about me...

    1. I was the first (and only graduate in 1967) from Lincoln High School in San Leandro.

    2. I received an Associate and Bachelor degree from the former ‘Regents External Degree Program of New York’, while serving in various assignments in the U.S. Army.

    3. I’ve been a member of MENSA since the 80s, but haven’t attended a meeting.

    4. I’m a lifetime member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, but haven’t attended a meeting.

    5. 2 and 3 will give you an insight into my fondness for participating in things, which includes organized religion.

    6. Next month will be my 20th anniversary since retiring from the U.S. Army.

    7. Next year will my wife and I will celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary.

    8. I hope this will get me off the hook, since it’s the best I can offer.

  7. Thanks, steve-- I'm still curious about one thing-- how you wound up as an ex-pat. We have a couple of things in common: shared membership (#3) and San Leandro, where the dotter lived in a remodelled chicken coop while she got her grown-up degree from CalState next door. You are hereby released from durance vile.

  8. Anonymous12:16 PM

    A simple answer to a simple question. I was assigned to Germany when I retired from the Army. I went to work for the Army (in Germany) as a civil servant, then retired again in 99. My wife is German and is working towards her retirement. That is what kept and keeps me here.

  9. Now I know...I thought that maybe military service had something to do with it...thanks, steve

  10. *blush*

    We finally got back on the air, at least!

    I have certain Plans about this. Way late. I'll let you know as soon as I can.

    It's amazingly difficult to catch up when you've been off air for 5 days, and for much of several weeks before that.

  11. k-- what kind of Plans? Now you've got me all curious.

  12. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Hey guys I offer a free referral service for Mom or Dad in Los angeles. It is just me so I give very personal assistance. Let me know if I can be of some help.

    Bobbie Trifon
    310 699 3000
    assisted living facilities

  13. You might need more coloring pages for your grandchild, here is a great site: :-)
