Sunday, July 29, 2007

A Child's Eye View: Feet

The daughter bought a new digital camera the other day. What to do with the older model? Pass it along to her 5+ year old, of course. And so at a recent gathering of friends, the little one snapped a whole raft of pictures. Interesting how big and menacing grown-up people look from the perspective of a diminutive kid! (As a shorty myself, I have periodically climbed up a few inches to see how things appear to those taller than I...)

Then someone suggested that the GD take pictures of something lower down. Feet, for example. She proceeded to take pictures of every foot that was present. Here they are:

So what did I learn? That thongs are popular with the ladies in summer, of course. And not much in the way of heels.

And that men wear their trousers longer than women do. This is news to me. Too bad, too, since I'm sure that there was at least one pair of cowboy boots present but unseen.

However, an interesting collection of styles. And certainly a different perspective on a friendly gathering. The kid is not doing badly in the photo biz, either.


  1. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Your Grandaughter has the gift. She must have learned it from you.

  2. Very interesting still lifes. I think a museum might be interested some day.

  3. The GD appears to have a good eye -- & she loves to color, so perhaps she has a career already set before her, Steve.

    Cat-A -- maybe the Dr. Sholl museum, for instance?

  4. What, no sandals with socks?

  5. Nobody, but nobody wears sox with their sandals except in winter in the High Country. SIL wore Tevas with Polartek sox all winter up there, even out in the field, which is amazing to one who suffers from perennial cold feet.
