Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Glasses, Postscripts & Links

In short, miscellanea. One of those days. Max, above, called it, with his hot-day-in-Prescott pose. I looked at the massed clouds this morning (below) -- and, foolish woman, believed them ; by late afternoon, those rainless things were evaporating, tho Wunderground hasn't rescinded its 50% chance of precips. Anyway, it's that sort of day. The Database-from-Hell is leering at me, so it's time to get on with my bits and pieces.

For example, Loosely Speaking tagged me the other day with 4 questions from Starbucker. 1. How full is my glass, for starters. That's my main glass, above. There's nothing in it right now. But it's often full. 2. What kind of glass is it? A 6.0-72.0mm 12x Canon Zoom lens. 3. What's in the glass? Basically, never anything but light. It fills rapidly when I leave the house; when I return home, I empty the receptacle. At this point, I have 6000+ pix stored in iPhoto. 4. Reasons for #1, #2 & #3. My glass is a magic device that converts the light of reality into the stuff of dreams, nightmares and Walking Prescott. Particularly the latter.

Of course, I have other glasses. Once I was grown up, I realized I could have a pair of scissors handy in every room. And when my aging eyes needed readers, it only made sense to keep a supply on hand, in case I left a pair at your house or perhaps the library.

Still more glasses: back in more felicitous times, my husband was the photographer and I manned the binoculars, great for spotting new wildflowers as well as birds. Now, I realize that the house is awash in binoculars. Somewhere, there's even a huge pair of astronomical binoculars. Not to mention a telescope or two. Hope that is enough glasses for the originator of the questions. In turn, I'm asking Chatoyance, Angie, OmegaMom, Lucy and My Aloe Garden each to tell us about his or her glass. Be sure to link back to Starbucker, who started this game of tag.

Next item of business-- a postscript to my post on antennas. Andrew over at Coyote Radio was kind enough to email me a picture of the aerial (remember that word?) for his new community radio station (1610 AM). Where do we find a schedule, Andrew?

And finally, some links. First, to Quilted Dogs, who's posted her 8 fascinating facts as well as three cool pix of a house finch taken with her new camera. SteveG reported in from Germany with his 8 facts about himself in a comment here. And, despite the heat, I recommend a visit to the Mojave Desert where Bro. Bartleby waxes philosophic as he works on a labyrinth; I was especially taken with his comment on communication with two cans. Finally, wonderful nostalgic images at Shorpy and at Judith's. Enjoy.


  1. You wrote: "Once I was grown up, I realized I could have a pair of scissors handy in every room."
    Brilliant! I too realized this when I grew up and so I have scissors in the laundry room, in the garage, in the kitchen, on the (main) desk, in the bathroom, etc., and of course, several pair which never leave the sewing room and which never cut anything but thread or fabric. And when I started wearing magnifying reading glasses, I decided for $15 a pop, I could have a pair in my sewing room, one downstairs and a travel pair (in a hard case) for my purse. I am considering getting another pair "just because I can".

  2. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Thank you, Dear Lady. For realizing I have no glasses and therefore I could not partake of the tag.

  3. I remember all too well, as a kid during the depression years, the shout, "Where are the scissors?" After that, I think that Mom was too stuck in that mode of thinking that one has a pair of scissors.

    Dear steveg -- tagging someone twice in a row simply isn't cricket...

  4. Granny J - Guess you need to move to Prescott Valley, where it rained off and on, sometimes fairly heavily, for over an hour yesterday!

  5. Granny J - Thanks for participating in this meme - I loved your unique take on it. And tha picture of Max...priceless! All the best.

  6. Cat-A -- after yet another day that started off full of promise & then stuck its tongue out at me, I'm considering your suggestion.

    Starbucks-- thanks for the visit. I had fun doing it. BTW,how did you come into such a fraught name?

  7. You too have your Summer heat issues, according to your comment in my blog. I guess many do, to some extent. But then, around here... come Winter and I get tired of the snow, snow, snow. So now, I should be thinking of back then. :-))))

    But poor Max, his hot-day-in-Prescott pose says it allllllllllllllllll! ,-)

    Thank you so much for commenting. I'd lost the link to your blog, and now I have it back. I take pics of around my city... Not the likes of your photography, of course. But I have fun with the blog. 'Course, I've not named my city yet. I thought my family wouldn't want me too. But now, I guess I can. As long as I don't put family pictures in it. Which I would NEVER do anyway. :-) But I think I'd better check with more family members, before I do.

    Believe me, this is about the only thing I let them *dictate* to me about though. -grinnnnnn-


  8. Mari-Nanci -- welcome back. I'm happy to say that we are given a 30% chance of thunderstorms today, though the sky is clear, bright blue right now in the morning. Too early for the clouds to build up as yet.

  9. Hi GJ,
    Cleverly creative on glasses! I'll be on it erelong, bit busy with my sis at the moment...
    I could hug you for recommending the ever-enigmatic Bro Bartleby; any friend of his is a friend of mine!
    Much love.

  10. Yay -- thanks for inviting me to play! Been pelted with the work-week, but I will join the fun this weekend and post something in response to the tag...
