Tuesday, July 31, 2007

How Green Was My ... Arizona?

Answer: very, very green. Our first monsoon season rain happened the 17th; it has rained every day since then, with wondrous results. Wahoo! Summer wildflowers are starting to open. Above, a fairy duster; below, a wild geranium. Later, all the DYCs will appear.

And here a blossoming wright silktassel. (I think -- that's what it looks like in my Shrubs & Trees of the SW Uplands.)

Seedlings everywhere. Above, the unusual 1st leaves of the ubiquitous wild morning glory and, below, a triumph of sorts -- a new 4 o'clock coming up where I want it!

Even more mushrooms...

And the plant I call a 5 o'clock. It's a member of the mirabella (4 o'clock) family whose flowers do not open until very late in the afternoon. This guy has a deep root and emerges from the ground only after the summer rains begin.

But most impressive of all -- the amount of ground covered by morning glory seedlings. They create that bright spot in my little wooded area above; they also have turned my hillside from brown and sere to achingly green.


  1. Anonymous12:30 AM

    All of the green shooting up so quick. Nice photos.

  2. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Wonder of wonders, we've enjoyed rain showers almost every day for a month and we trust that it keeps on pissin' down. At that, we're behind numerous millimetres, say 10 inches worth, for the year and this is our rainy season. Our dams are about 26% full and maybe we'll reach 35% by the end of winter.

    Your pictures sure don't look like the Az I remember.

    I advise that you keep on appeasing the rain god.


  3. Lovley shots of green and wild flowers. I so love wild flowers...

    And yes, I too have seen something about hydrangeas liking acidity or alkalinity of the soil. And I can't remember what "husband=the gardener" put on them this year.

    But the first year these bloomed, they started out blue, and progressed to pinkish... Even while still growing. I know that dried ones, turn shades. But these were growing and changing and spectacular. Hope they do it this year too.


  4. Steve -- AZ plants are almost all opportunists, that pop up very fast with the first couple of rains & bloom in record time, to beat the drying time!

    Bro -- It is a wonder, as you know my "theory" re: who gets the rain & when, AZ vs. OZ.

    SnS -- I'm doing everything I can to keep the rain gods placated. Thus far, it's working.

  5. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Wow, the rains started the day after I left Prescott. Just returned yesterday, and I was looking forward to seeing the monsoons. :)

  6. Gadget -- so it has dried out for a day or two. If the season is true to form, we'll have rains on and off until mid-September. If we're lucky.
