Tuesday, July 24, 2007

More Guests -- 2 Cats, 3 Turtles...

...1 dotter & 1 grandchild. SIL is already in Montana, on his way to the great frozen north; he's driven three of the 10 days he's scheduled, which will include a final four on the AlCan Highway. He's driving 1) for the adventure and 2) because of dawg (above). The ladies are flying with the cats (limit, one pet per passenger, per Alaska Airlines.) The turtles? FedEx. Honest.

So here's the sociable one of the two guest cats. Name, Wooly. Other cat, Piggy, is a very shy Siamese mutt who fast found a new hidey hole upon arrival at Chez GrannyJ.

The three turtles are represented by the three containers. If you peer closely into the open unit, you can see Frankie. The other two: Yurtle and Halley.

What else is happening with our full house? Well, GD is marking off the days til she sees Daddy again; and there's the map that is tracking his progress, day by day.

We also had a cool mom-&-little- one get-together with Singing Bird yesterday. A couple of parties are in the offing and, on Saturday, dotter's childhood buddy, the Niece from Memphis, arrives with her offspring. Full house. In spades. Early next week, my dotter & GD & cats fly to their new Alaska home, niece & her dotter attend the local Shakespeare Festival. And, of course, we will all spend some time with my Mom, (the girls' grandmother & great grandmother to the third generation.) Whew!


  1. Anonymous1:19 AM

    That looks like a big cat.

  2. A full house...lovely!

  3. I love it! BTW, the cat isn't really that big -- he's just stretched out!

  4. That cat has the most patient look on his face I've ever seen on a stretched-out cat!

    *I,* however, would undoubtedly be hiding under the couch by now.

    That is a LOT of visitors!

  5. k -- a lot of visitors; the problem comes when we have to package up the turtles for the FedEx man. They go in baggies, one per each & then plastic snerds (peanuts) or other computer/ electronic type protection.
