Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Please Be Seated

For reasons that I cannot fathom, I've never been an easy chair person. Particularly not the lazy-type chairs with the retractable foot rest (despite the fact that I am convinced that airline travel would be immeasurably improved with the simple addition of foot rests.) These chairs -- and their over-stuffed brethren -- are traps for small people. Difficult to get out of. Always slightly more than a comfortable arm's length from the table to put the drinks or the book on. I suppose if the tube is your thing, they work. Me, I think the alley or the back of a pick-up truck is exactly where they belong!

No, my immediate family has always been a kitchen table family. An ample surface for elbows, beer, a magazine or a project; an excellent place for conversation or for solitary occupations such as crossword puzzles.


  1. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Kindly keep the kitchen table chair next to the sink open for me; also be sure to have a few boxes of chateau cardboard in the larder.

    Chairs at tables are better for those of us with crook backs than the recliners. It takes so much effort to arise to go to the loo or to the fridge.


  2. gj, you're just not the lazyboy type! I agree, the kitchen table is the place for family to gather..

  3. Hi Bro, Point proven! Didn't know your back was a problem -- guess I can't expect the kind of work that your dotter did for me...

  4. brain -- besides, I don't think they're very attractive as furniture. The kitchen table is for friends, also; living rooms are for polite, meaningless talk.

  5. Hmm..I think that would be an excellent touring chair in the back of that pickup..kinda like an updated version of The Beverly Hillbillies!

    I'm with you about the kitchen table. I think every kitchen should have a shingle hanging there, with the words, "The Gathering Place."

  6. Jan -- when folks come to visit, I almost automatically steer them into the kitchen, even if there are dirty dishes!

  7. Well, now, while I agree that the kitchen is the place for group encounters, leave my recliner alone! I've read many a book AND watched many a teevee program in it. (Not to mention an occasional nap.)

  8. Cat-A -- I'm glad to have at least one defense of the ubiquitous recliner chair, which my snap judgment calls a guy thing until I recall that my mother loved her LazyBoy until she could no longer really see the TV.
