Saturday, August 11, 2007

Timer on Board

The legendary Niece from Memphis has arrived home safely, despite the chance she took with the bureaucracy. The device she is pointing to is a Homemade Timer, which looks much like the sorts of timers that BomBers in the movies use to set off explosions, which are always nipped in the bud by the Heroic Hero. She found it in my late husband's basement darkroom; he had fashioned it, 4-square, as a timer and clock. Niece admired the directness of design and asked to take it home with her. It was only as she was packing that the question of the Homeland "Security" came up. A shrug, a Post-It note declaring it was her uncle's timer and into the suitcase it went. Away she went and arrived without a hitch. We guess it was the electric cord that gave it away when/if the bag was x-rayed.


  1. Now you've probably given the terrorists the idea of putting a post-it note on things to make them appear apparently innocuous!

  2. Lucy -- I suppose so; I wonder how Post-Its look under the X-ray...

  3. Anonymous1:13 AM

    I think the process of flying in the states is a little more restrictive than in Europe. On our recent trip to Spain, we had to pass through the normal gates, but it wasn't a problem.

  4. Steve -- I recall being patted down by a matron at the Frankfort Intl. Airport & pretty ferocious military types patrolling the Brussels Airport in the 70s. However, I've been fortunate in NOT flying the past several years.

  5. Anonymous12:14 PM

    The 70s was a time when local terrorist were active in Europe. I remember those days.

    Question for you. Are there any gated retirement comunities in the Prescott area? My brother is looking for a place to spend his winters.

  6. Off hand, I don't know of any gated retirement communities, tho there may be some. On the other hand, there are several gated developments and I would guess that a heavy percentage of the residents are of retirement age. Have him check in with a realtor. Prescott really, really isn't like Calif. and the crime rate remains pretty low.

  7. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Thanks. I'll pass it on.
