Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Aglow in the September Sun

About noon. I stepped out the front door and happened to glance up. The mountain mahogany seeds were glowing in the autumn sun. Oh, I couldn't resist taking picture after picture. Here are a few. Enjoy!


  1. Anonymous10:36 PM

    What an interesting plant, have never seen it before. We don't have that over here.

  2. Hi, Olivia. Aren't those seeds gorgeous? BTW, I did another post about the tree/shrub back a couple of weeks.

  3. Wow! those are lovely pics!

  4. Thank you for commenting that you appreciate my blogging of silly store manequins {or however it's spelled}. You can readily see that my photo muse has deserted me for the time being. ,-) When I resort to stuff like this! lol.

    But your photo muse stays perched on your shoulder! Lucky you!


  5. Great pix, gj! You do have the eye!

  6. Very cool pictures. I love the way the light shines through.

  7. I'm so glad you enjoyed the pictures, everyone. Thank the plant and the sun for making such a wonderful combination -- it's one I've never seen quite the like of!

  8. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Julie, you got an award! Did you see? It's over on the One Acre Wood-blog. Congratulations!
