Tuesday, September 25, 2007

County Fair: Chickens Galore

I'd be willing to bet that a big percentage of visitors to the county fair are there for the thrill of the rides. But there probably wouldn't be a fair if it weren't for farmers and the products of the land.

A good third of the space over at our new fairgrounds was devoted to the animals -- big and small. Here, a focus on the small. Chickens, to be specific. And as an honor to Little Sir Galahad, the gallant Mille Fleur bantam rooster who resides at The One Acre Wood.

As a townie, raised neither on the farm nor in the big city, I'm pretty naive about such matters. The critter above, for example, along with his red brethren, is what a Real Chicken looks like in my mind.

Oops! How wrong I have been all these years. A university down in OZ offers this handy dandy chart of the varieties of chook, as the Aussies call this species of foul.

Visits to the One Acre Wood and, now, the Yavapai County Fair, have certainly improved my education re: barnyard denizens. What a wonderful variety I've become acquainted with, if ever so briefly.

Of course, along with chickens go the eggs. There appears to be a second prize-winner (red ribbon) in this batch.

A beautiful tail! What better way end to this short tale.


  1. Anonymous2:04 PM

    The One Acre Wood -
    home of Sir Galahad and
    his hens laying eggs

    I thought a Haiku might be appropriate here, Granny J.

  2. A new honor for a little bird, Olivia. Thanks.

  3. GJ! I was meandering about out in the real world yesterday so I'm just now reading this great chicken post! Super pix, and I love the Australian birds with the black edges to their feathers..

    And Sir Galahad is honored indeed to be mentioned by you and by your charming poem too Olivia!

  4. Hey, Brain -- there's just lots and lots of interesting Stuff out in the Real World. I go there frequently to take pictures...

  5. Very nice chooky post!!

  6. Meggie -- speaking of things Australian (are they chook down in NZ, too?), I'm most pleased that my bro from Perth is on his way here in November!
