Monday, October 29, 2007

Grace notes to a warm autumn

It's only too easy to be consumed by autumn color, especially if one makes photographs. And so the first of two posts, one concerned with back lighting, and this, containing just a few small seasonal touches... beginning with my last "rose" of summer -- a moss rose on the porch.

Out back there is this curiosity -- a small oaklet that is growing in the heart of a stump cut-off. No idea whether an acorn landed fortuitously or the stump itself has one last spark of life. I'd like to think it's the latter.

A lonely fallen fall leaf...

...and a sycamore in the process of change.

A squaw bush leaf trio in fall dress...

...and the Arizona color of autumn -- golden aspen.

A linkable: Just returned from visiting Not Dead Yet, where Judith has posted a Gilbert & Sullivan sort of verse about insurance rates she found among her late husband's papers.


  1. Anonymous5:15 AM

    lonely fallen leaf
    in fiery orange dreams
    of the summer sun

  2. I wanted to comment on your post yesterday, but got interupted and never got back to it. Both the sculpture garden and this post are beautiful and your pix so artistically done. Nice GJ!

  3. Super photos! Can't decide on a favourite - perhaps the fallen red leaf. And yesterday's sculpture was also fascinating - I really like sculpture well-placed outdoors.

  4. Hi everyone -- like earth girls, autumn is easy! There's so much color, so much to see.

    olivia -- thank you for another lovely haiku

    brain -- that's because the sculpture garden and fall leaves are beautiful things!

    stitch -- we have a surprising amount of sculpture around town just begging to be photographed.

  5. grannyj..I love the picture of the old, dead stump, with new life growing out of it. It speaks volumes.

  6. jan -- doesn't it, though. I wonder how long the new little oaklet will last.

  7. I just really enjoy your posts!!
    Wonderful work!

  8. Absolutely lovely photographs.

  9. meggie & cat-a -- watch out, I'll get a swollen head (and an ache to go along...)

  10. Some of your best, I think. the new oak seedling from the old stump is a wonderful symbol.

  11. Lucy -- I've been watching that seedling now for several weeks. I'll continue to keep an eye on it.
