Monday, October 15, 2007

Oops! PhotoShop Is Closed

Sorry, guys -- today was the day that all bloggers were supposed to do a post about the environment. I found our 1991 slides of the Verde River headwaters, which is threatened by development. Scanned them. Brought up PhotoShop to crop and make some color corrections (in 16 years, the Ektachrome has lost yellow, making what were beautiful slides somewhat harsh...) But the dang program invited a software update, which somehow got into an infinite loop-ty-loop. I can't even stop the loop by shutting down the computer. I lucked out in one way -- my Mac man is stopping by tomorrow & I trust he'll get into the guts of the system to fix things. Keep your fingers crossed.


  1. May your Mac man work his magic!!! :-)


  2. Well, shucks! You can post your pix anyway when Mac feels beter. Or photo shop? We should instigate a day of the week for an environmental bit. I see some people do wordless Wednesday or poetry Thursday etc... How about enviromental Tuesday?????????

  3. Good luck. Hope the problem is very minor. I need my granny fix.

  4. Thanks, SnS for the encouraging words!!! BTW, that loop is still running...

    brain -- I was impressed at what you and E are doing to save water. But then, you depend upon a well & know about shortages first hand!

    QD -- I suspect that it's minor, that there's a magic button somewhere in Apple's system that mere mortals aren't supposed to know about.

  5. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Here's to Mr. Mac fixin' things!

  6. 1:30 p.m., it's done. There were a whole bunch of mysterious folders in my preferences. And I D*O*N*'*T open strange attachments & such. Once they were deleted, all was copacetic. But I still have to work on those photos! Later.

  7. Good new on the Magic Mac man!
    I have been reading instructions, & discovered how to change my pic!

  8. Glad to hear it's fixed - don't know if I could cope without your fab pics!

  9. meggie-- nice new hat!!!

    angie -- now Blogger's picture download function is acting up!!! Can't win, sometimes.
