Tuesday, October 23, 2007

We Miss You!

Halloween is almost here -- and no Young's Farm visit to celebrate the occasion. I can't even blame the roofs-and-retail boosters for the sad demise of a regional institution. No, blame this one on state law which progressively devalues farm land; theory is that rooftops use less water than crops. Could be. In this case, I simply don't care.

I wonder if the developers will really commit themselves to maintaining these huge willows. Takes water, you know. I'm sure they plan to build and run.

Of course I miss the wonderful sleaze of the Midway rides...

...and assorted sucker merchandise.

Wonder what the Mayer and Humboldt kids are doing for Christmas money this year?

Of course, the irony is that this past year the Young's Farm property has been used for, hold onto your hats, raising corn. Seems the Dewey-Humboldt city fathers still can't get their heads together on a plan for developing the property.

So what is a pumpkin-minded family to do this year? Head for Chino Valley, that's what. Windmill Farms is hoping to fill the big void left by Young's departure with its own pumpkin festival and has hired the person who managed Young's fair. Contrary to rumor, Colliers Family Farm (690 W. Road 5 South) is definitely offering pumpkin picking in the field, and according to one source, Freeman Farms (1096 E. Road 3 South) is also operating a public pumpkin patch.

My Blogroll Is Finally Up: After over a year, I finally pulled myself together to post a pretty complete list of blogs I regularly visit, over in the right hand column. And BTW, most of the Arizona bloggers that are listed are well north of Phoenix! In fact, all but a handful are from Prescott. But take a look at the other list; you'll meet some very special people from many parts of the world.


  1. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Thank you for placing a link to my blog on your blogroll, Granny J.

  2. Sleaze: a good word to describe the not lamented Young's rip-off operation.

  3. Olivia -- it was about time! I figured I'd lazed enough.

    Cat-A -- Ah, I see we're in opposite camps on this one! have a particular fondness for sleaze. And I'll grant that Disney-fying a farm goes against my grain, too, but it seems to be one of the few ways to make a living from the soil these days (unless you're in the Midwest growing corn for ethanol.) A great pity!!! I always enjoyed the Young's Farm visits, BTW, especially with the granddotter.

  4. Sucker material gets my attentiion anytime!

    Thanks, granny j, for adding my name to your blogroll..I feel honored!

  5. jan -- you're welcome, of course, as one of my regulars! As for sleaze, I don't want to live in a world which is all beautiful garden! It would get boring.
