Monday, November 05, 2007

Somthing(s) Old, Something New

Walking downtown this morning, bro & I espied this, what, contraption? Big. Heavy. All iron. Rusted. Mysterious. Just the sort of thing moderns use to adorn the garden, though a fork lift might be required...

Here you can compare the size with the recycle containers or the "little" bro's arm for scale. Likely a relic of mining days.

Now this relic dates from more comfy circumstances -- an early soda fountain. One of many antiques over at the Goodwin Street Pharmacy. Yes, we stopped for an egg cream and a milk shake.

Now for the new: I thought it was just the ladies who went for new hats, but that's the bro looking to buy a new cheese cutter, which, it turns out, is a rarity Down Under. Fine selection, I'd say.


  1. Anonymous7:08 AM

    That knobby contraption is contemporary earth compactor for trench work, it attaches to a big excavator!

  2. Well who knew! An earth compactor! Looks like another fun day.. and a most cool hat for Hermano!

  3. Thank you, ps, for the info. Too bad -- it would have looked great in the garden. But I'm still wondering why it was just sitting there by the streetside...

    brain -- isn't that a splendid hat. I never have occasion to go into the hat store on Whiskey Row, but bro loves the place.

  4. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Bro is looking mighty fine. It will look nice down under.


  5. Hi Steve -- yes, doesn't he & won't he! That's still a few weeks away, BTW.

  6. Yes, it's a dashing hat. But it covers up his hair! (See my blog.)

  7. Cat-A -- we have 10-15 years on you & so are not of the Hair! generation. However, my bro comments that yrs is a well trimmed mullet -- a comb-over mullet, at that.
