Saturday, November 03, 2007

South Montezuma, as advertised

Yesterday I promised you a night on the town -- or at least a night on South Montezuma Street. Not Whiskey Row, by the way. We started several blocks south of the main drag. It all came about because I saw a notice in the Courier about a jazz concert at the new location of the Prescott Music Center. All of which suggested that bro and I try out Maya, the small Mexican restaurant up thataway.

Especially seeing as how rumor had it that Maya serves mole! As in yum. As in why don't other Mexican restaurants in Arizona serve mole? Don't know the answer to that question. However, Maya does serve a special mole, Michoacan style. As in yum!

The decor even included this Mexican restaurant meme -- the Aztec warrior saving the maiden. I've seen some version of this scene since the early 50s in Chicago!

Turned out that the Music Center was next door to Maya, so we popped in & the bro admired all the brass, happy that the store wasn't dominated by guitars. However, no concert.

One more door down the street.

Plenty of music making machinery evident in a studio setting with folding chairs in one corner.

And an excellent pick-up combo, as two of the originally scheduled musicians didn't show.

Organizer of the event, Rich Oxley, owner of the Music Center, who doubled in brass -- a mean trumpet and flugelhorn.

Dave Russell is a member of the Rich's combo that plays once a week at the Prescott Pines. His playing belies the professorial appearance!

On guitar, Cal McCarthy. Another bloody good jazz musician.
Ed Carter was called in at the last minute to play the electronic bass borrowed from the store next door. (Sorry, Ed -- you were hidden behind the other musicians!) Need I say that bro and I stayed until the last note. BTW, Rich is planning jam sessions every Wednesday PM.

After the music -- time to meander downhill for a brew or two & a phone to call a taxi, we being walkers. In passing, there was this smashing catalpa tree.

Out front of a pizzeria, a sign that obviously has a back story...
...a football player with chutzpah...

...yet another important member of the local music community -- The Fiddle Doctor...

...guns in a pawn shop and, finally,

...the first saloon we came to on a chilly night. Shelter! Coyote Joe's. Good Oregon brew, loo, reasonably cool music, and curious decor that is based upon bicycle parts.

Here's the night's music maker. Not often that Granny has a night on the town. The bro made a fine gentleman companion. It was fun.


  1. Anonymous3:04 AM

    Super post. I enjoyed it almost as much a you and Bro did the night out. Thanks for posting it.

    My brother is back in Prescott. Not sure if he is still looking for a place or just wanted to get out of the Wyoming cold.


  2. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Aztec warrior
    saving his lovely maiden -
    Viva Mexico!

  3. I had a great time on your evening out, but feel I missed some good music and some good conversation as well..As I recall, you make a mean mole yourself!

  4. Steve -- tell your brother that there are two neat places on my out-of-the-way street just a short walk from the Square.

    Olivia -- thank you for another apt haiku.

    brain -- you will meet him Wednesday. As for my mole, it comes courtesy of Dona Ana.

  5. You must be really enjoying having your brother to visit. I love spending time with my brother.

  6. meggie -- I have a very cool bro & don't get to see him often enough. That 24-hour trip from your part of the world is a killer.

  7. Wow! A great night, GJ!

  8. Cat-A -- maybe the Wednesday night jam sessions might turn out to be good. On the other hand, if you find bikers nostalgic rather than menacing, the weekly session at the Pinon Pines might be well worth paying for a few beers.

  9. Speaking of bicycles, as a mad cyclist, I found this interesting:

  10. jr -- I'll take a look as soon as I finish tonight's blog...

  11. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Hi Granny! Speaking of brothers...the "night's music maker" is my handsome brother! He's so talented! Thanks for giving him a few moments of fame on your site! :o)

    Hesperia, CA

  12. Anonymous2:09 PM

    My Son sent me the picture you took of him I, like his sister Leeanne, am very proud him. Thanks for featuring him on your site.
    (Dad) McKinney
    Belfast, Ireland

  13. Hi, LeeAnne and Dad McKinney -- welcome to my site! For a while, we were listening to the music from the bar & thought that there were musicians on premise -- so I asked my bro to pop in the next room to take a picture -- and "they" were him! He was playing rather cool music, BTW, & we enjoyed it. Good looking chap.
