Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A little winter weather

Take a look at that jet stream, will ya? Cold winds from Alaska straight down the coast nearly to the bottom of Baja and then back up through Arizona. We've seen this weirdness twice, now, this winter. It means rain -- either wet or frozen. (Woohoo for rain in any form!!!) The past three days has seen both kinds, but the frozen sort makes much better photographs.

It snowed lightly, but gave the SIL his opportunity to tell fellow Alaskans back at the office that he came to Arizona to get some snow. We had heavy flurries every so often, leaving a neat white mantle for the mountains...


...and trees. Winter snows are what pine trees were created for, as everyone knows.

Of course, pyracantha (firethorn) provides a lovely contrast to a snow blanket. Almost holly-like. I haven't seen winter robins as yet, which is why I have so many berries remaining on the shrub. A friend has a visiting robin who regularly gets drunk on pyracantha berries that have turned winey.

The fence catches snow in a neat pattern.

And one often finds a surprise in the midst of an otherwise ordinary winter picture.


  1. Wow, I didnt realise you got snow!
    Great photos!!

  2. Anonymous4:38 AM

    You have more snow than where I live in Germany.

  3. I was watching the weather network on tv (which I do with simian intensity) and noticed that the jet stream was WAY down south and wondered what weather you were getting. I knew it would be cold but I didn't think you'd have snow! Cool.

  4. meggie -- I live in the Other Arizona, where we have four seasons!

    steve -- that was two days ago; it has already melted.

    juliar -- isn't that jet stream awesome. Prescott is at 5400 ft elevation & we almost always get some snow in the winter. Up in the mountains, we laugh at those winter visitors to Phoenix who decide to visit the Grand Canyon & show up in shorts and short sleeves -- they forget that the rim of the Canyon is at 7000 ft.,where the snow is measured in feet, not inches.

  5. Hey Granny J, thanks for the bloggers heads-up and love your Prescott blog!

  6. Thanks for visiting, df. Hope you come back again and often!

  7. Nice pictures, Granny.

  8. Thanks, Cat-A. The weather turned photogenic for me!
