Sunday, January 13, 2008

Bach. Stained Glass.

What more could one ask of a Sunday afternoon. As long as I was in Lutheran territory (visiting Mom at Samaritan Village), why not cross the drive to the American Lutheran Church for the organ concert mentioned several times in the Courier. Performing was Paul Jacobs, chair of the organ department at Julliard. The church folk were rightly proud of their new 31-rank, three manual pipe organ. Among the accomplishments of Jacobs: at age 23 to celebrate the 250th anniversary of J.S. Bach, he played the composer's complete organ works in an 18-hour non-stop marathon. Just the right age, I'd say, for this type of extreme accomplishment! My arms and legs are weary just contemplating such a feat!

This excursion gave me an opportunity to view modern church stained glass even as I wallowed in a Bach trio sonata. (Yes, there was other music, but I would not have attended but for J. S.) The window above shines upon a staircase leading to the sanctuary.

In style, it is first cousin to the panels that frame the front entrance of the church.,

However, most striking of all, our sun is celebrated. High above the altar are Art Deco styled rays of the sun, while a brilliant sunburst lights the cross behind the altar. A fine sight to focus the eyes while being enveloped in music.


  1. Very nice, GJ. Though a non-believer, I have always admired the stained glass windows in churches. Not to mention the music.

  2. Anonymous10:36 PM

    ah, Bach... and stained glass too!

  3. Cat-A -- I do thank the church for the music, the art -- and for rescuing us from the Dark Ages!

    karen -- a wonderful combination. It's a pity that more of JSB's religious music does not get a play on NPR.

  4. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Nice photos of some nice stained glass.

  5. Great stained glass pics! And anytime you can listen to good music for free (whether religious or not) you are ahead of the game. :)

  6. grany j..a stained glass butterfly!

    And beautiful music, too!


  7. steve...tombo...jan -- wasn't I fortunate to find the stained glass? Tho my experience is that there are usually some interesting pictures in store if I go to a church! BTW, Tombo, this particular concert was not free, unlike all the others in the series.

  8. Good golly GJ, this is a lovely post! I'm particularly enamored of the stained glass behind the alter, and can imagine the Bach played on the organ. I think the Lutheran Church is known for it's love of music and had I been of that kind of releigeous persuasion, could easily have chosen it for that reason.

  9. brain -- ah, Mr. B wrote just an awful lot of great music for the Lutheran church. I believe he was choir master or organ master for more than one major congregation.

  10. What a wonderful post! I loved the picture & sound of the glorious organ music sounding out to those wonderful colours!
    Almost like being there GJ. Thankyou.

  11. meggie -- isn't the combo of stained glass & organ music just splendid?
