Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Our landmark Thumb Butte doesn't look all that cold. Just because one can't see much of the north side from town. On the other hand, take a look at the hills to the south (below). Not so surprising that our high temp today was the same as in Anchorage. That's Alaska, for heavens' sake, and admittedly a warm day there. But a high of 36 F in Prescott is pretty dang chilly. The snow has remained at higher elevations for a couple of weeks now.

And so it was that when I was making my rounds, I stopped cold (so to speak) at Foolsewoode. For the proprietor had knitted up some leggings for herself. I could do that, I figured, tho I haven't done needlework in, like, 12 or 14 years. More ammo against the chills.

Which opened up, if not a can of worms, a long-neglected closet full of yarns of many colors.

Not to mention a couple of drawers...

As well as two large boxes. My very own brand of being ready for a rainy day. Oh, yes, I discovered a few other treasures that I'll be posting here in the next couple of days. And, of course, I'll post pictures of the leggings-to-be.


  1. So these leg warmers aren't the baggy kind... I have one of those, in black, which I got a couple of years ago from an old fashioned catalogue. And I love them. In cold weather, I practically live in them.

    But they aren't pretty, nor a fashion statement, nor cute like hers are. Oh well, I'm not in need of cute. I'm in need of warm legs and ankles. :-)


  2. SnS -- I'm hoping that they might fit, tho I haven't knitted in forever and a day. Right now I've got maybe three rows going & I'm not sure whether I've allowed enough stitches to go around my leg above the knee.

    Don't know about fashion statements; whatever I'm likely to make will probably be a subdued Seussian pattern.

  3. Do you have instructions for the leg warmers? I would love to make a pair but when I try to invent them they look like nothing that would ever fit a human and wind up making a lap robe instead.

  4. I've never been a knitter, but one of my Granddaughters wants to crochet, so I'm thinking of..granny squares, maybe.
    I love all the colors of your found yarn and all the potential it represents.
    I remember you knitting away at the first PPW meeting I ever attended, back in the day. Remeber? The wino was there? What fun!

  5. Anonymous10:57 AM

    It was a chilly 30 degrees here in Scottsdale during the wee hours.

  6. Flutterby -- the instructions I got from Sadira said to cast on 44 stitches on three needles to knit in the round; knit ribbing for about 2 inches, then knit however you prefer for 15 or 16 inches & then finish off with another 2 inches of ribbing. The largest couble-pointed needles I had in my collection were #6 & I have started with 48 stitches, which looks a little tight for just above my knee. I think she must have been using a very chunky yarn for #8s! I may have to start over.

    brain -- was I still knitting at that time? I know that I did do a lot of crochet back then -- made a couple of very brightly colored afghans for the kids.

    karen -- sheesh -- that's a nice warm night up here! Juneau was warmer than Prescott yesterday.

  7. Brrr is right! I've got my leg warmers on under my pants and over a pair of wool socks today! I can not wait to see what wonderful creation you come up with...Your yarn is the most delicious colors indeed!!

  8. CB -- my rule in making an afghan or any grannyJ square type garment is usually no two squares alike; thus I have bought 4-ply yarns over the years whenever I see a new variation of in color. Natural fiber purists please note -- for my Things of Many Colors projects, I use polyester because I want the bright colors to survive the washing machine. If I am making something to be elegant & stylish, I'm likely to go with a natural fiber. Right now, for instance, I wish I were working with alpaca yarn or camel's hair, both of which are yummy and WARM.

  9. Oh Granny J, are you going to knit striped colourful leggings??
    I have lots of yarn in bright colours- went through a stage of making really bright cushion covers.
    No need for leggings here...

  10. meggie -- I love all those strong, bright colors! As for the need for leggings (if any -- why not get ski-type long johns?) we knew there would be winter when we moved to the Arizona mountains all those years ago.

  11. Thank you for the instructions. I will definitely give those leg warmers a try. I plan to knit very fast as I can use them now.
