Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The fatal touch of the Consumer Electronics Show

Howdy, all--This is OmegaMom reporting in for GrannyJ. It seems that this year, as last year, when her computer guru guy headed off to the CES, her computer decided to go belly up. She hopes to be up tomorrow or Saturday with a loaner beast while her CGG figures out what's wrong with her machine.

It may be something in the ether ("I sense a disturbance in the Force!"); it could be that her computer also wants to see what's new and interesting in gadgets and gizmos, and has thus taken a trip in spirit to Las Vegas; or it could be the machiavellian machinations of her computer guru, ensuring that GrannyJ is well aware of just how totally awesome he is. We shall see.


  1. Bad news for us Walking Prescott fans, Omegamom..On the other hand, never has bad news brought such a smile to my face..'machiavellian machinations' indeed. Hope she's sorted out and back on line soon!

  2. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Perhaps it is time for a Dell. I have no stock in the company, but I've been a satisfied customer.

  3. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Dell laptops have a very poor reputation! Granny J, maybe Rich at Gadget's Airstream Chronicles would want to be your Mac knight in shining armour? He's quite a techie guy as you know.

    Your Aliso Viejo friend

  4. Don't you just miss 'em when they go down!

  5. ahh...speaking of the CES, I had my face glued to G4. I just want to cuddle up with one of those little robot dinos and feed him lettuce.

  6. Hope all is well with the computer again! hate having no computer.

  7. I'm limping back with a loaner, an iMac from the days of candy colored computers...

    brain -- I, too, hope she's sorted out -- esp. I hope that something can be done with the hard drive to rescue my over-rpdouction of pix from the past year!

    steve -- I've gotten used to that GIANT screen -- no laptops for me, thanks!

    anon -- welcome! Can Rich rescue hard drives?????

    avus -- more than hate -- I am bereft, tho I got a lot of reading done!

    renee -- I'd just love a cute little robot that does floors and dishes & hangs my clothing up!

    meggie -- my dear sweet computer is my link to the wide, wide world & a host of friends that I really miss when it's in the shop.

  8. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Hi, Granny J: Aliso Viejo, CA, here. (You and I exchanged emails in the past, initials JCC. My sister lives in PV. I want to be Anon in your comments.)

    Does Rich rescue hard drives? Not sure, but from reading his blog, he sure sounds like he knows a great deal...especially about Macs.

    Now, if the Blogosphere could start a fund-raiser to get you a lovely MacBook Pro with Leopard and Adobe CS3....:-)

  9. Anon -- I'll see how my guy does & then get in touch with Rich if need be. As for a MacBook Pro w. Leopard -- if we are talking laptop, not. If we are talking something like my neighbor's MacPro w. dual processors, two (count 'em, 2) big screens, I kinda like that idea...
