Monday, January 07, 2008

Hats 'n heels

On a wet, chill, snowy, drizzly day, my thoughts naturally turn to warm things. Like last summer when I had some great shoots with the Niece from Memphis and her daughter. We had a special time at the thrift shops, reafirming the old adage that clothes make the man -- or teen-ager, in this case.
It all started with those racks and racks of yesterday's fancier shoes.

But it was the platform sandals that captured the imagination of teen-ager.

Each pair a trifle higher, culminating in a real retro Tall Gal fashionista.

Teen-ager isn't the only one to play with shoes. Even little ones are fascinated with heels...

...and hats.

Once teen-ager had explored the potential of platform shoes, she also tried on one hat persona...

...and another. Don't they fit well?

Amazing what a hat will do and how it can change the person sitting underneath it -- I stole this pic from dotter's blog because it is one with the others. As I look at it, I think of Marlene Dietrich in The Blue Angel, though she wore a top hat.

Prescott Arts Beat: I wondered why nothing new was showing up at my link to these periodic interviews with local A&E folk. Turns out that Andrew has moved to a new URL, where there are all sorts of new goodies. BTW, he's also up and running with his low-power radio station. He reports:

"This evening we did a test broadcast of music and radio theatre on our frequency, AM 1670. The signal was strong and clean from Goldwater Lake to Godwin Street. Once the signal hit the power lines of downtown Prescott, there was interference - as we had experienced before. Driving around, there were little pockets of clean reception sprinkled around town - appearing like magic on my truck's radio as I drove through rainy neighborhood streets. I laughed outloud - when driving past local blogger Granny J's house, her voice broke though a patch of static - clear as a bell.

"With a little more tweaking, and a new antenna design Mark is cooking up for us, I anticipate getting signals from our first antenna pushed out past Prescott College in the next 30 days."


  1. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Thief! ;)

    So I wondered if you caught the family resemblance twixt Ch. and I? Those hat pics make it quite noticeable, I think.

  2. Mea culpa, dotter! Yes, I noticed the resemblance, tho at first I thought it was the hat...

  3. Anonymous11:30 AM

    AAHHH! Us family gals are SSOOOOO cute!

  4. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Neice from Memphis and Omegamom have all sorts of similarities. Speaking of which, Neice from Memphis was watching "Much Ado About Nothing" DVD the other night and referring to Kenneth Branaugh and Emma Thompson said...not in computereze..."Oh look! They look like Omegamom and Omegadad!"

  5. lane -- good to have the NFM back commenting! Interesting family comparison -- can't you just picture OmegaDad mugging his way through Hamlet???

  6. granny j..what a blessed woman you are!

    I loved the shoe pics, too...I am a shoe fanatic, myself! :)

  7. jan -- after doing the floor at several trade shows during my career days, the heels on my shoes got shorter and shorter. Now my shoe fanaticism is dedicated to items like river sandals, walking shoes (why, oh why doesn't Reebok make a red Princess anymore???), etc. Today being a cold day, I've got my non-Uggs keeping my tootsies warm.

  8. Oh! She has a perfect Hat Face.

  9. Anonymous12:34 AM

    So that would be why I think Kenneth Branagh is so totally HAWT!!!


    Ma--I've noticed the resemblance twixt me and Ch. at other times, in other pics, so it's not just the hat.

  10. k -- actually, both of them do. In fact, now that I review a rogue's gallery of people in my mind's eye, I see that hats do wonders for all sorts of people. Speaking of which, I have a collection of hat photos! One of these days Real Soon Now!

    dotter -- well, KB certainly is -- HAWT, that is. But I had never really noted the resemblance with Ch. until you mentioned it -- and I saw it right in front of my eyes!

  11. What a great post. Love the photos.

  12. meggie -- it was fun to put together!
