Monday, February 18, 2008

A collection of crosses

No doubt there is a story for each of these many crosses that grace the back wall of the parlor seating at the American Lutheran Church. I'm fascinated at the different forms that the ruud can take, both simple and complex. Take a look:

I shouldn't have been surprised when I saw that church display; I have friends -- a couple -- who spent at least a year creating a great variety of crosses, many of which are hanging on their walls.


  1. I always planned to have one wall in my home devoted to crucifixes/crosses. Never got around to it. I also planned to decorate one wall in antique mirrors but that never happened either. Happy to see these pictures.

  2. qd -- "the best laid plans..." At this point in my life, I find I'm a lot more interested in what my camera captures than in decor! Except for others, which I can photograph...

  3. Nice post. I always like to see collections of things, & a church is a good place for the crosses.

  4. meggie -- I like collections, too. But I lost a whole bunch when my hard-drive crashed! So now I'm collecting again, with my camera, that is.

  5. That's beautiful! The last one - is it made of burnt matchsticks?

  6. k -- you know, I couldn't tell, tho that's exactly what I thought when I first saw it...

  7. Fascinating variations on the theme...
