Thursday, February 07, 2008

Mom is Gone

I got the call last night at about 9 p.m. She died quietly, in her sleep, as she wanted, though she lived longer than she wished -- she was very, very tired. A remarkable woman, Mom lived two months past her 104th birthday. Somehow, I had expected her to live forever. I had one final visit with her yesterday.

Note: In case you haven't read it already, the dotter wrote a lovely tribute to her grandmother, my Mom, back in December.


  1. I'm sorry for your loss, but I'm glad that you got to see her before she went. It sounds like she lived a very full life. :)

  2. I'm sorry to hear of your mother's passing. Even though we've never met, you have touched our lives, so she has touched our lives as well. Best wishes.

  3. Condolences, Granny J. But she went the way she wanted to and that's good.

  4. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Neice from Memphis here- I spent some of the drive to work crying with wonderful memories. I took in pictures of Grandma to the drug treatment center for women where I work and did show and tell, with tissues (all of us) and I sang James Taylor's "The Secret of Life" ( enjoying the passage of time). We celebrated her and grieved other of the women's losses.

  5. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I'm so sorry for this loss of your mother. I'll be thinking of you and Kate.

  6. Anonymous11:45 AM

    My mother passed in 04, my grandmother in 05, and my mother-in-law in 06. Time is a good healer during these hard times, but we never forget them. I offer my condolences.

  7. Anonymous11:46 AM

    My heart aches for you. Glad you got to see her yesterday. Take comfort in your memories.

  8. Please accept my condolences also.

  9. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Just want to give you my condolences. I enjoy reading your blog.

  10. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Granny J, So sorry to hear about your Mom. You are a lucky one to have been with her so much these days. She will be missed.

  11. Anonymous3:30 PM

    My condolences to you and your family. I will miss reading about your mother! I was hoping I could see a photo of her in her next Halloween costume.

  12. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Granny J, my heart breaks with yours, OmegaMom's, and the rest of your family. Thank you so much for sharing your mother's incredible life with all of us. I feel enriched from learning about her. From: your friend who lurks in Aliso Viejo, CA.

  13. Thank you all for your heartfelt notes. Believe me, I appreciate each and every one! Right now, I am feeling anchorless, with my regular visits to Mom at an end. And I am becoming, at my advanced age, an elder for the first time. Makes me feel old! Again, your everyone's warmth helps fill an empty spot.

  14. Anonymous9:02 PM

    So sorry for your family's loss...your mother sounds as though she was a woman ahead of her time and and that she enjoyed life thoroughly.
    Thank you for sharing her with us.

  15. I just dropped in on your blog at random, and I am so sorry to hear of your recent loss. One hunderd and four! Incredible. I am glad that you were able to visit her so recently. A lovely lady, who had seen many things in her long life.

  16. A good way to go, in peace, & tranquiltiy.
    What a long life she had, & I am sure it was very full, & obviously she was very loved.
    Condolences Granny J.

  17. granny j..I am so sorry for your loss. I know what you are feeling right now, and my heart aches because of it.

    Even when we expect it, we are never prepared when it happens. My prayers are with you and your family.

  18. Anonymous6:31 PM

    J., my condolences on the loss of your mom. I know she was important to you and you spent quite a bit of time with her. You and your family are in our prayers.

  19. I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Seems the longer they are with us, the more we miss them afterwards.

    My prayers are with you tonight.

  20. Again, it is so good to have the support of such friends as all who visit here. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  21. Anonymous1:01 AM

    My thoughts are with you and your family, Granny J, thank you so much for sharing your mom with your readers.

  22. Anonymous7:08 AM

    I always enjoy your photos and narrative, but have not commented previously. I am sorry to hear of your loss.

  23. My sincerest condolences, I cannot imagine having your mum for so long, and how that loss must be. Thanks so much for sharing this part of your life with us.

  24. I have just read your dotter's blog on your Mum - a thoughtful, loving and fitting tribute if ever there was one.
    104 is a great age and we all must slip away sometime, but I know what you mean when, at whatever age, one finally becomes an "orphan".

  25. I am so sorry, GJ. I haven't stopped by in awhile, but did today and read about your Mom.... I love the way you have worked her passing into your blog. I wish your family well.

  26. I'm sorry for your loss, J. But I am also so happy that you had this wonderful life with your mother.

    Puts a lot of things in perspective for those of us chasing our tails around the work week.

    Thank you so much for sharing and thank OmegaMom so much for her great posting from last Dec.
