Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Signing in at Lynx Lake

On our family outing to Lynx Lake, the kids went off climbing, leaving me behind at the parking/picnic area at the north end. What to do ... rather, what to photograph? As I scanned the scene, what struck me was the inordinate number of signs. To the left. To the right. Instructions, permissions, no-no's, information -- everywhere I looked. What better subject for a post. (Just FYI, I took one of those maps and it was a very nice topo of the area. I heart topos.)

We'll start off with a no-no. None of the local lakes are OKed by officialdom for swimming.

A trail marker, with its own list of what's allowed and what's not. On the alligator juniper in the background, a sign acknowledging a volunteer who cares for this trail.

These two signs refer to some sort of improvement to the area or the lake --with full credit to where the $$ are coming from. At least they passed through the hands of a designer or two.

The side of the loo provides a good, broad expanse for posting a good collection of signs.

As one starts out on a walk down to the lake shore, an admonition.

Some instructions get a "please", others are strictly orders. However, at least this standard Forest Service sign is of a less intrusive design.

Now these colored reflector signs carry a message for those in on the secret. You can see them almost anywhere out in the countryside that there's pavement; the LH and I used to try to figure out what was meant by the different combinations of colors and number/size of reflectors.

Naturally, the dumpster is plastered with its own special messages.

And the lawyers get their say on the subject of garbage.

Here's a call for volunteers. Unfortunately, I suspect that any potential volunteers would be suffering from sign-fatigue by the time this catches their eyes -- if it does.

This series of three does tell us something about the lake (a man-made) and its impact on the local wildlife. Nothing ordering us to do this or that. And nicely illustrated, to boot.

The subdued Lynx Lake sign in the background tells the history of the impoundment. Quite a contrast to the demand for fees in the foreground. That's the lot of them --- except for one no parking sign. All in an area of about an acre. That's a lot of reading material, but perhaps it's just as well to have it all concentrated in one spot so that once one ventures out on a trail, there is no need for any more of this printed noise.


  1. I agree with you Granny J! the Printed noise, can be very loud, & bothersome. Best to get off where you can't hear any of it!

  2. Anonymous7:39 AM

    I <3 topos, 2!

    Was Lynx Lake created just for recreation? Or, as an additional water resource for Prescott?

    ~Anon in AV.

  3. sigh, signs of the pines...

    Your great series of pictures pretty much says it all.

  4. I remember a time when there weren't half as many signs at the local lakes. Pretty ridiculous these days.

  5. Quite depressing really. I am feeling this way about the multiplicity of road signs (traffic and directional) we have over here. I counted 17 on our local rural roundabout alone. In the end they defeat their purpose.

  6. meggie -- I suppose that as a rule I mentally wipe it all, because I had never realized just how overwhelming all of those signs were!

    birch -- welcome & do come again. How do you have time for gardening and writing all those blogs and taking all those beautiful pictures?

    anon av -- Strictly recreation except for a couple of ranchers who had senior water rights on Lynx Creek.

    warren -- yes, I imagine the pines are sighing at the sight of those signs.

    tombo -- very likely each sign has a piece of legislation backing it up.

    avus -- brought to you by the very same people who abhor those roadside commercial billboards, no doubt.

  7. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I didn't see any in Spanish.

  8. That just goes to show how insensitive I am, Steve. Time to call out the PC Police!

  9. Anonymous9:14 PM

    You had much the same reaction that I had to Lynx Lake. I rolled my eyes at it, as an example of the California culture of Prescott, ARIZONA, so called.

    In a now-closed bagel shop in downtown Prescott, I saw a laminated sign, about three feet long, explaining the government health-and-safety-approved method for washing your hands after going to the pottie.

    But I'm not complaining. They weren't actually recording your potty techniques to see if you complied with these instructions.

    That will have to wait until a few more California retirees move to Prescott.

    By the way, it gave me great satisfaction to park outside the official Lynx Lake recreation area, and walk in, without paying any fees.

  10. boonie -- So you think Prescott has already been thoroughly Californicated? See my comments in tonight's post. As for the PNF -- I don't mind giving them a buck; their budget is tied up in avoiding lawsuits about thinning the forest & making some money off beetle-killed trees. Besides, I already have an old Golden Age pass.
