Monday, March 17, 2008

All in a day's vehicles

The day I quested in vain for ravens at the Courthouse Square I did, however, hit a bingo on vehicles of note. First, this thoroughly remodeled & re-wheeled Ford.

As for the Pinzgauer, no way I could overlook such a we-vill-be-orderly, Germanic truck. The Sson wants one in the worst way and always takes time out to visit the local dealer when he's in town. Alas, one of these days, there will be no more of these imports nor of Unimogs, also popular in our Outback.

Less orderly local touches: a deer antler on the front bumper and agave seedpods peeking over the dashboard.

Now here's a variation on the basic bike that's news to me. Anyone out there who can explain the advantage of such a low-rider arrangement? Nice chrome.

This ladylike quad ATV was spotted in the bed of a crew cab pick-up also parked at the Square. I particularly applaud the flowery suitcase attached to the carrier platform at the rear.

Linkages: First, a reminder that my Aussie Bro has reinvigorated his blog with a new name, Antipodean Curmudgeon, and a grump about modern misused English. Next, there's yet another bicycle blog originating here in town, GO! Adventure Recreation by name. While we're out enjoying the scenery, another new blog: Road Trip Arizona. And you might also want to look at the awesome pictures of Glen Canyon Dam that Quilted Dogs recently posted. Finally, there's another stab at a local news source, QuadCitiesAZ; maybe you have an item to contribute that's the equal of the 50 foot wide easement for a trail in Chino that has a well pump house right in the middle.


  1. The red bike obviously is for aa very short rider with exceptionally long arms--a gibbon, perhaps?


  2. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Pinzgauers and Unimogs...GJ, you have introduced me to vehicles "new to me". I'll have fun with those names in Google Images.

    Thanks for broadening my world!
    ~Anon in AV.

  3. bro -- hence the term "ape hanger", of course.

    anon av -- I'm surprised; since they're imports, albeit military surplus imports, I'd expect them to be the rage in Calif.

  4. I'm totally feeling the Pinzgauer! I love those things! I drool whenever I take my truck to Iron Springs Toyota, right next to T.Lo's.

  5. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Lot of Unimogs in Germany (grin). Nice post.

  6. tombo -- and how the price holds up on them...

    steve -- the SSon would love that, but then he loved being in Germany back when.

  7. I had to laugh at the Low rider red bike. It struck me that the rider would need arms of almost ape-like length to ride it!
    I see your brother had the same thought!

  8. Granny J: I love the photos on your site. Thank you for adding me to your blogroll. I feel very honored!

  9. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Ah, what's the rage on highways in southern CA? Mercedes, BMWs, Hummers, SUVs, .... oh, not all vehicles. Yet, no Pinzgauers nor Unimogs in sight.

    ~Anon in AV.

  10. anon av -- that's not very exciting, is it?
