Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Gelato & deli goodies

Tombo posted quick reviews of several local restaurants this week, which prompted me to get out my pictures of a place that might well be overlooked.

I've no idea what kind of business these people are doing. Most people driving through Prescott on Sheldon simply aren't thinking about refreshments, at least on Sheldon Street. Nonetheless, there it is, the Spaghetti Western Espresso stage stop. Specifically, at Virginia and Sheldon. It may draw students from Yavapai College, which is nearby.

Built complete to a separate drive-through structure, which hasn't been in use the times I have eaten there. Drive-through customers use a window at the main building.

As is quite apparent from the name -- and this poster -- the operation is a stage (or movie) setting. Hokey as can be, which is part of the charm.

A phony rifle as door handle -- just how Italian-style western can you get?

The landscaping suggests a pleasant outdoor experience as the weather warms up.

And visible on the roof, absolutely the most important piece of equipment in the entire establishment -- a huge gelato making machine (I think). Like to tell you more about the entire menu (deli goodies and fancy coffees), but it so happens that every time I've stopped in, I'm drawn to the frozen Italian ices which are rich and yummy indeed. Do give the place a try!

Tonight's Linkages: The Google alerted me to a new local blogger, Miligirl; she's an artist by profession. And I take this chance to thank folks who linked back to Walking Prescott: Earth, Wind and Water who hosted the March I-and-the-Bird, and Terrell at Alone on a Limb who compiles a monthly outdoor education round-up. Both linked the pictures of ducks on ice at Lynx Lake.


  1. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Gelato is tasty. Hokey can be interesting at times.

  2. You've out-kitsched yourslef these last couple of posts GJ!

    The beautiful quilts reminded me: check out Robin Starfish's video at

    it's gorgeous!

  3. As with most new restaurants, business is always questionable in the first year or two. Their business has picked up since they started doing deliveries (3 mile radius from store, which is a good chunk of prescott). They also do a small amount of catering which helps out.

    The problem with the drive-thru is the time it takes to get your food. If you get 2 or 3 people doing drive-thru you have to wait a LONG time.

    As far as hot foods go, the panninis are awesome. All of their aoli sauces are good, and since they use Boar's head meats, pretty much anything with meat in it is good.

    As far as pasta, they are hit or miss. The spaghetti sucks in my opinion, but the sausage and shrimp pasta is great.

    The nice thing is that Debra (the owner) listens to her customers, and changes items accordingly. I recommended a pitcher of water for the coffee drinkers and that happened. She changed her menu after being open for 6 months to better serve what people were ordering, and getting rid of things that were not selling.

    All in all a pretty good little restaurant.

  4. Looks like a fun place for taking the Grandchildren!

  5. Anonymous12:06 PM

    That's just too groovy. I must make a note, so if I'm ever out that way...
    Does the famous whistle from the song play when you open the front door? ;-D

    The name alone would be a big enough draw for me.

  6. steve -- hokey makes for great photography; I can seldom resist.

    lucy -- see above; I saw another beautiful batch of quilts today at the downtown library, but the lights are set up such that it is almost impossible to get good pictures!

    tombo -- thank you for the mini-review! I will try one of their pannini's one of these days, when I have taken care of gelato hunger.

    brain -- they will love it...

    ad -- I don't remember the theme song playing. Too bad!

  7. Cool! Now I'm getting hungry!

  8. david -- so am I, but it's much too late for anything other than a quick snack. I may be a night owl, but I really don't need a meal at midnight!

  9. That looks one hell of an interesting place, Granny. From the comments I guess I would stick to the paninis at present.

  10. avus -- I think you would join me in a gelato during our hot June-July months!
