Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Yesterday's cars

Chrome. Tail fins. A rainbow of colors. All nostalgic characteristics of classic cruisers, a popular collectible here in Prescott -- and, I would guess, almost everywhere else in the USA.

I see them in my own neighborhood, where several old car fanciers live.

Although Prescott enjoys several antique/classic auto shows, a good place to see and compare cars everyday is the parking lot of American Classic Auto Parts up at Hillside and Miller Valley. I was too shy to pop into the store -- I'd have been totally out of place.

However, that doesn't stop me from admiring the window art -- and the inscriptions on the boxes below. Instead of good, better and best, they offer collector's choice, muscle car and antique tractor. Certainly tells you what's matters to this segment of our crazy culture.

A full view of the two-tone classic pictured at the beginning of this blog -- and (below) a yellow/white cruiser that I have seen around town quite regularly. Big. Beefy.

A shiny DeSoto here...

...an older vehicle that isn't quite so spiffy (above) and one that is truly in need of a new paint job (below). The chrome looks to be in good shape, however. Important, chrome is.

This auto's motor would seem to have serious issues.

While I am sure that collectors are salivating at the prospect of trade opening with Cuba where most vehicleson the street are well tended 60s models, they might try small, struggling towns such as Ash Fork AZ, where I took these pictures. Above, about the most prosperous looking business in town is crowned with a snazzy DeSoto; below, a machine just waiting for the right guy to show up with a check book.

Linkage: Alone on a Limb, down in Georgia, has included my post For the Birds on the March edition of the Carnival of Outdoor Education; thanks, Terrell. Here's yet another Prescott blogger, this time focused on big-time bicycling. And for art in motion, take a look at Kinetic World.


  1. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Tis interesting that all the chevys are vintage 1955(56??). There must have been one hell of a salesman in Prescott.

    The slopebacked auto looks to be a Saab, verdad and the victoria coupe is maybe a 39ish Merc??


  2. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Lots of nice rides. One needs to be either a mechanic or have some big bucks to own one of these and keep it running and looking nice. Unfortunately I'm not and don't have. Grin.

  3. Anonymous7:44 AM

    My brother-in-law works at Yavapai Machine in downtown Prescott, and he's an auto body & paint instructor for Yavapai College, at their new VoTech campus next door to Ruger.

    He constantly has classic cars he's restoring for their owners. And, he tells us how huge the classic car lifestyle is in Prescott.

    I kind of hope the Cuban cars stay in Cuba, to keep up the nostalgic look of the old, night clubs era.

    ~Anon in AV.

  4. Love the Chevy's in particular!!! Did you ever hear Johnny Cash's song where he sneaks out Chevy parts one-by-one from the factory & ends up with a multi-year car w/one tail fin & one plain fender?

    Thanks for visiting. After Easter, I hope to post links on my site & I'll post yours!

  5. Thanks, bro, for the species IDs; as you know, about the only car I can identify on sight is a VW Bug.

    steve (at a different site, readers!) -- I think every American guy has a secret mechanic hidden in his soul, which often emerges when he retires.

    windy -- thank you for the kind words.

    anon av -- do they have a course in antique and classic cars over at Yavapai?

    cmarie -- never heard that Johnny Cash song; sounds like a good one. The guys on Car Talk on NPR have put out a couple of CDs loaded with great car songs, BTW.

  6. Dang -- wish I were there!

  7. Anonymous10:07 PM

    GJ, I'll ask my bro-in-law. I know they're going to start an Air Brush class very soon. For those fancy designs and paint effects!
    ~Anon in AV.

  8. lori -- for the weather or for the cars or for the ambiance???

    anon av -- you mean, like flames & such like? I really like flames where they don't belong, like on the cab of a big, corporate semi.
