Monday, April 28, 2008

Goodyby, Max, see ya soon

There's my cat, packaged up in a fine cardboard carrier from the vet's. I discovered early Friday, when I had to squeeze Max into a tight schedule to get his shots, etc., that my cat carrier had gone north full of turtles. So the cat travelled to the vet's in a laundry bag, and returned in this container.

And there is my good friend, the chicken whisperer, who kindly drove us to the cat storage facility, where Max will remain for two weeks, in what is described as a cat condo.

Here's one of two entrances to the vet's...

While I was avoiding Important Matters relating to travel, I happened upon a storage disk that included pictures of Max kitten which I thought would be nice to include with this post. Max has lived in my house for seven years now -- he's almost middle-aged and, of course, has darkened in the Siamese fashion.

Yes, there was a hint of temper already evident; he's developed that talent to its fullest over the years. If he hears the word NO, he rears back and makes a particular sound that means "I'd like to bite you!"

Max was trained to the leash early and for a couple of years, he was only allowed outdoors while tethered. Being a contrary sort, he would not go walking with anyone.

A talky cat, Max figured out that if he brought me the harness, I would get him dressed to go outdoors; this continued til he got tangled one time too many. From then on, I just allowed Max the freedom to go wherever he wished. Fortunately, his turf is pretty close to the house and we don't have coyotes.

Take a good look at that tail. It was as long as his body; Sson, the biologist, figured Max came complete with a couple of extra vertebrae to produce such a fine appendage.

He has indeed grown into that tail, now weighing in at 13 pounds and barely fitting into my lap. I will miss him while I visit Sson and family in the Bayou country and then the Famous Niece from Memphis, the Other Niece from Memphis and their families. I will try to keep everybody posted.

Carnival Linkage: One of my posts is featured in Berry-Go-Round #4, the new plant and flower carnival; you might like to pay this new carnival a visit.


  1. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Boney voyage sport.


  2. Anonymous6:12 AM

    The cat cult is a complete mystery to those of us who aren't in it.

  3. Nice Max kitty. Have a good time.

  4. I have to admit that I am not of the feline persuasion, but that is a fine looking Siamese there! I'm sure he will be happy to see you upon your return. :)

  5. Max looks and sounds like a nice cat! I hope you have a wonderful trip.

  6. Have a great trip! We are also going for a 2 week trip soon but don't have any pets that need sitting (a good and bad thing). I will blog about the trip near the very end of May on my Guru blog, which I have mostly reactivated, at least for now.

  7. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Bet he just *loved* that trip in the laundry bag!

  8. Cats have so much independent character. Although I have always been a "dog" person I still miss my old moggie who lived with us for nearly 18 years. He would consider if a visitor was "worthy", then jump up, climb up their chest and nuzzle their nose with his.

  9. Anonymous10:54 AM

    My goodness, lookit those old pics of Maxcat. It's hard to remember that he was just a wee kitten when we dumped him in your lap. Travel safe and keep us updated!

  10. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Bon voyage, Maxcat and GJ. He'll be comfy in the kitty condo.

    Please post some great pix of the Bayou area, one of my favorite spots in the U.S. I love Cajun food and music.

    Travel safely!

    ~Anon in AV.

  11. I wouldn't be too sure that you don't have coyotes. I watched a pair of coyotes cross Park Ave. and wander down Hill St. one night a few weeks ago. Be careful.

  12. granny j..have a good trip!

  13. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Have fun on the trip and take lots of pictures.

  14. So good I finally got around to visiting in my photo blogs! I get to wish you a great holiday!

    But I'd hate to think of how Mmmmmm.... *unhappy* he is going to be, after spending 2 weeks in a cat condo. Oh he will make you *pay* big time, when you get back. -grinnnnnnnn-


  15. Hi again -- I finally got rid of the Madman's post! I've nad to train this computer to recognize my passwords & all that jazz. Backson.
