Wednesday, April 16, 2008

There it was, lying on the ground...

I see all sorts of odds and ends left behind beside the road or next the sidewalk. While the owner of that bike might have climbed down to the creek bed, which is just out of the picture to the left, I really doubt that he was down there trying to catch crawdads. More likely someone lifted that bike and left it behind when he got where he was going.

I see dead signs of various sorts when I go walking. If on the ground, they're likely to be advertising a candidate or a yard sale; on a telephone pole, lost dogs and cats. This particular sign was more unusual.

One can imagine a variety of reasons that someone might cast aside a book whose cover proclaims it is all about understanding feminine psychology. A break-up, maybe ... or the wrong slant on feminism ...

...or maybe the owner of the book simply lost his glasses.

Now, if I want to scrounge a suitcase, I wouldn't normally go walking down Park Avenue. But there it was the other day.

Complete with a discarded CD. Wonder what that back story is.

I'll end these musings with this pretty plaque that was just lying in a neighbor's yard. Let's hope that it is mounted one of these days in a spot where passers-by can admire it.

A Link & a Note: My SIL finds obscure & curious sites, such as Strange Maps. where you can find out the GNP equivalent between each of the 50 states and a foreign country or that infamous Absolut ad. And, as a former Chicagoan, I must comment on the lion shooting in My Fair Former City. The town is abuzz -- and it should be. The location where the cougar met his end was not the Loop, but it was pretty doggone far into the older city neighborhoods. Apparently people have been reporting sightings for some little time and been pooh-poohed. Sound familiar?


  1. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Enjoyed the walk.

  2. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Using my oblique sense of recall, wasn't the book "She" authored by H. Rider Haggard of "King Solomon's Mine" fame???

  3. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Oohh, why did they have to kill the cougar? Why not put it in an animal park, like Heritage in your area? (Sad story.)

    As for your walk, I noticed the glasses had a pencil through one of the eyeholes! Funny!

    ~Anon in AV.

  4. granny j..a strange thought, but I've wondered if you find a lot of lost change and such while you are out on your walks, hither and yon?

    While living in California, I had a dear elderly friend who went for long walks every evening after dinner, and he always came back with his pockets full of change, and little treasures of one kind or another...I could hardly wait to see what he found each time.

    He had jugs, and jars, and boxes filled with pennies, nickles, dimes, quarters, foreign and domestic..and marbles! :)

  5. steve -- yes, it was a good one -- the weather has been warming up a bit.

    anon #1 -- you're so right; but it's been long enough for that title to be out of copyright, even if copyright holds for book titles.

    anon av -- apparently, the cop was scared out of his wits -- and, of course, did not regularly carry knock out drops! And a big cat on the loose in a big city with kids and pets everywhere is more than a bit dangerous. And yet it remains a sad story. As for the pencil, you've got sharper eyes than I.

    jan -- don't I wish I found such goodies on my walks. Maybe one or two pennies and a couple of marbles. That's about it. I guess folks here are tidier or perhaps they all use debit cards!

  6. What interesting things you find on your walks. I only see a stray paper or too. Nothing as fabulous as a suitcase or... um...... ravens.

  7. jules -- actually, it takes several walks to accumulate enough findings to make a blog. Surely you find pop cans and grocery store plastic bags...

  8. Maybe the book just didn't work.....

  9. dk -- that was one of my theories, but then, it was cast out into the street almost in front of the local psychologist guy's house...
