Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Critter postscript

Hah! I found the other household critter pictures -- on the other, close-up camera. Couldn't close out the subject til I had posted these. First, the beautiful green tree frog with wondrous velcro foot pads...

...and the Sson's family studying the lad's caterpillar (below). Some sort of wooly bear. My DIL (who worries about these things) had tried several different leaves, but the he (or she) wasn't having any. Finally, a field book look-up suggested it might be an oak leaf eater. The grandson brought in a supply knocked down by the previous night's high winds; by morning, the caterpillar had munched out sufficiently that the little cage had to be cleaned.

Linkables: I'm not usually big on U-Tube, but in keeping with all those amphibians in the home on the coulee down in Lafayette, you might catch Terry Fator's singing turtle; speaking of Kermit... And while on the subject of amphibians, I had a letter from Aunt Phibia (Juanita Carlson) asking for $$ help to replace the big lighting structure for the Tsunami on the Square; the trusses -- $10 to 15Gs worth of aluminum -- were apparently stolen from storage up in Chino. Finally, if you'd like to see some more gorgeous spring cactus flowers, hie yourself over to Touch the Wind and scroll down; Warren has posted quite a few different blossoms, including my absolutely most favorite -- the brilliant, deep orange mariposa lily.


  1. really nice tree frog picture!
    thanks for the link (and id'ing the flower) and welcome back!

  2. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Nice close-up pix!

    How is Max Cat treating you since he returned home? Is he glad to see you, or mad that he was in the Kitty Hotel for awhile?

    ~Anon in AV.

  3. warren -- I'm also pleased with the tree frog! Believe it or not, we have tree frogs here in AZ, too.

    anon av -- once he had inspected every nook & cranny in the house, the Max Cat settled in. However, I fear that a battle-scarred black cat has marked some of his outdoor territory -- he hasn't been asking to get out quite as much.

  4. Granny: Thanks for linking to my Kermit ramblings!

  5. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Love the frog. Nice picture.

  6. kirk -- you do some cool place posts, you do.

    steve -- I'd say he's almost as handsome as your German red squirrel with the ear tufts that are longer than those of an Abert's!
