Sunday, June 22, 2008

Summertime and the living....

See Max, all stretched out, in part to rest, in part to cool off? That's me, also. It's been hot for a week, with no respite except at night (the saving grace of high elevations, where the temps drop a good 30-40 degrees once the sun is well past the horizon.)

But some things don't mind the heat. In fact, almost everything in my potted garden is quite happy as long as the water keeps coming. I thought that pictures of my new old-fashioned bleeding heart might interest you while I go do the finishing touches to get the house ready for the arrival tomorrow of Sson, DIL, two grandchildren and, of course, the Guest Cat.

Speaking of which, there was a quite amazing cat scene this morning down the road a piece. Unseen, two cats were going at it, fang, nail and MROW!!! A ball of cat suddenly rolled down from a neighbor's garden and remained quite still for a couple of minutes, suddenly erupting into two MROWing, fighting cats. Next thing you know, one blue jay shows up, starts shouting at the cats and then his entire local tribe arrives, also shouting. At which point, the cats got the hint and moved their battle elsewhere.


  1. Anonymous5:48 AM

    That is one relaxed looking cat. Nice photos of the flowers.

  2. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Thank God for Police-Jays!

  3. steve -- that's because he's indoors, where no MROWing neighbors can have at that exposed belly!

    mark -- don't they improve the neighborhood a lot?

    tombo -- all right, I'll bite!

  4. qd -- my pleasure to having entertained you! But then that cat scene, at least as I experienced it, was memorable!

  5. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Ah, look at that blissful look on Max Cat's mug!

    It will disappear when the Wonderful Yoda Cat appears. LOL

    Poor Max Cat...welcome, Yoda!

    ~Anon in AV.

  6. anon av-- Max has made himself scarce all evening since the arrival of 1) strange vehicle, 2) large numbers of people,3)loud kids and 4) strange cat. The Yoda cat arrived totally pissed off & spent the first couple of hours hissing at anybody & everybody.

  7. Speaking of wide temperature swings, out at my farm this weekend it was 60 degrees at 5 AM. By mid afternoon it was pushing 110. This is a regular occurrence down there.

    Decades ago it used to be that way in Tucson too. But it never cools down in town like that anymore.

  8. dc -- I don't recall the temps ever dropping that much in rural parts of Phoenix in the old days. Cooler at night, yes, but it never chilled out. I do recall the temperature differentials that happened whenever you passed by an irrigated field of cotton or alfalfa.

  9. Perhaps it is my location at the bottom of a (relatively) narrow valley that pushes the temperatures lower at night.

  10. How do cat's get to be so double jointed all over!

    That bleeding heart is also 'lady in the bath'. Turn the flower upside-down, pull the two pink part apart, and the little white bare-nekkid lady stands up out of her bathtub!

  11. lucy -- I never, never heard about the nekkid ladies! That's cool.
