Saturday, June 28, 2008

The well labelled trail

Thursday, while I napped, the SSon & family climbed Thumb Butte. Granddaughter K. tried out her new camera and I must say that the gods of Serendip smiled, resulting in a series of photos worthy of her GrannyJ, as you shall see.

We know that Interpretive Signs are all the rage on publicly managed lands, such as Prescott National Forest. However, the newly minted photographer discovered an entire new genre of labels in the wild:

Namely, those wee grocery store fruit labels with numbers so that cashiers who know from nothing about an ugli or a star fruit can punch in the right number at the register. So we have been trying to imagine this troop of youngsters making certain that they carried a full market basket of different fruit on their climb; both trails, by the way, according to Grandson. Above, peach and, below, either a banana or a pineapple. (Do imagine handling the Hawaiian goodie while hiking, will you?)

...Nectarine and apple. Oh yes, each has been carefully placed inside a limb scar.

...Peach and avocado...

...Two mysteries, one of which will keep you alive forever, if Dole is to be believed.

...Anybody have an idea what Bionature is into, aside from being a likely "organic" grower? And (below), it appears that the modern defuzzed peach is a popular fruit.

...Another peach and a Dole twofer (below) as the grand climax.

As a species of graffiti, this is pretty cool. The labels are small and should deteriorate reasonably fast, in the meantime posing all sorts of interesting conjectures as well as encouraging kids to eat fruit.


  1. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Indeed, GrannyJ-ism is inherited.

  2. I propose the moniker "Decalcoffiti" for the tree stickons.

  3. Bionatur PLU4664: Clusters of 4 tomatoes on the vine. A product of mexico it appears.

    Great pictures from the photo-journalist in training. :)

  4. boonie -- perhaps it is & perhaps it just rubs off when in close personal contact.

    bro -- thanks for the term. When are you going to post again?

    tombo -- thank you for the data! the GD also thanks you.

  5. Hey, ONE & ALL, the old bro (the Curmudgeon above) has finally gotten around to a new post. Find out what he has to say about one item in the great degredation of the English language...

  6. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Wow, Granny many talented bloggers in your family sphere!

    We will be in Prescott July 4th weekend. Hope to get in a Thumb Butte trail hike!

    ~Anon in AV.

  7. anon av -- you won't experience Prescott properly without a hike up Thumb Butte!

  8. There's something rather wacky and post -modern about those fruit labels on trees that appeals!

    BTW, not the nectarine isn't necessarily a modern defuzzed peach; check out your Andrew Marvel, in 'The Garden' he refers to 'The nectarine and curious peach' like the peach was the novelty, and that in the 17th c.

  9. lucy -- those fruit labels lead to all kinds of speculation... as for the nectarine vs. peach question, I wound up at Google & Wikipedia, where I'm told that genetically,peach is dominant, nectarine is recessive but otherwise, it's the same fruit.

  10. That was fun! She is certainly talented. And we know where she gets it from.

    Of course, I wouldn't be partial to any G-daughters named K...
