Sunday, July 06, 2008

Among the cats

Max (left), Yoda (right). While the guest cat was visiting, the two animals had a curious relationship. Much of the time, Yoda was penned into the living room so that the two did not have to see one another. But even when our various siamese mutts were available to one another, we did not have a major MROW!!! scene. They sorta tippy-toed around each other, touching noses occasionally, hissing once or twice.

Yoda is a pushy, take-over sort of cat and I think that my dear companion was more than a little cowed by all this Attitude. Unfortunately, I seldom had the camera at hand when both critters were together.

When it came time to leave, the guest cat, who is a good traveler, was put into the car. At one point before departure, he jumped out and ran up the stairs, heading for what he had turned into His House for 10 days. Then it was bye-bye, Yoda.

Now this is interloper cat, a battle-scarred vet who shows up periodically, with every intention of Taking Over the Neighborhood. He even sashays indoors, if I chance to leave the door open to cool things off.

A couple of days after the guest cat had gone, I heard a loud MROW!!! Dashing out to protect my wimpy Max (with camera this time), I spotted the scene above. Look at Max' ears, flat against his head. His turf. Go Max, go!

Sure enough, interloper cat slunk off in the face of this territorial defense (or perhaps my appearance). Good Max! Brave Max! Angry Max! Not often I see him with a razor back.

Fire Note: The Crown King fire is 95% contained, plus more rain today.


  1. Anonymous12:45 AM

    I like cats. House cats that is. There's lots of free roaming farm cats in the area. The like to walk on cars and leave their paw prints, amongst other things. Go Max, go.

  2. I'm sure that you feel more secure in your digs now that ole Max has shown his mettle.


  3. Those are beautiful cats. The two Siamese, that is. Interloper - not so much.

  4. steve -- with free-roaming cats, I'm surprised that your squirrels have lived as long as they have. My immediate neighborhood is squirrel-free, thanks to local cats and dogs.

    bro -- oh, sure!

    cat-a -- aren't they just splendid? I really like the siamese/tabby blends.

  5. Poor Max cat. To be subjected to two intruders is probably a lot for a cat to deal with.

  6. Hi Granny J, I'm trying out the new Blogger List Wiki, and I got You in there. Long live Crown King!

  7. qd -- I think the visit of the Yoda cat was the worst trauma; after all, he was enjoying the inner sanctum.

    style -- thanks; I'll go take a look. And let's hear it for Crown King.

  8. Anonymous1:27 PM

    GJ, the squirrels can climb trees faster than the cats.

  9. steve -- good for the squirrels! You have such a pretty pair, I love to look at them...

  10. style -- about that Blogger List Wiki -- I tried The Google, no luck. Where do I go?

  11. Anonymous6:50 PM

    So which cat is better at dribbling that basketball?

  12. Goooo Max! Guess he learned a lesson, while having a visitor around... Don't go and *give* too much, 'cause they might just want to take over. ,-)))

    Thanks for understanding about my "boo-boo" while being silly. Getting a good shot, is not worth a fall. Yeppers, I'm way toooo old to be silly. Dumb. Whatever one chooses to call it. Bleahhh....

    Here's to both of us, staying safe, while having fun!!!


  13. melanie -- the cats were much more interested in each other than in the basketball. I think the grandkids actually took it over to the school nearby and played with it a bit.

    SnS -- possibly because the guest cat is allowed into Max's space, that is the reason he's subdued about the invasion. He figures his People have deserted him.

  14. "Razor back" - interesting. Described for wild pigs. When our dog used to make her hackles stand up all the way down her back, we called it "the full mohawk".

  15. That was great! Go MAX!!!


    My Babycat was a wimp, too. He never got into defending his territory. Both my cats actually were very social with other cats.

    But when we moved here, Babycat and Dixie (next door) decided they Hated Each Other's Guts. There were some rows between them. Mostly, though, they'd sit near each other by our mutual property line and cuss each other out in Cat for hours at a time.

  16. k -- before I let Max go outdoors unattached, he and the Amber cat would interact for hours at a time through a window at the back of the house which is at ground level. Now they periodically interact at the outdoor HSSSSTT!!! level. Never MROWW!!!

  17. Anonymous11:51 PM

    I'm so proud of Max!!! Just stay worthy of that level of protective passion!

  18. Hi, FNFM -- long time, no see. Poor Max has his job cut out for him. Interloper Cat appears determined to make the front area of my house His Turf. When last seen, he was lolling atop the car.
