Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Retaining wall example

It's been how many months since the Lowe's wall fiasco? How many months that the matter is being studied to determine the Absolutely Best Possible Fix for the great hole in the non-retaining wall? Tho I don't have the answers right at hand, I was reminded of another approach to necessary cuts in the mountainside. Pictured here is an admittedly small cut in what looks like volcanic rock in order to create a delivery/parking area behind the Peridot over on Bradshaw.

A heavy-duty mesh holds back the inevitable collection of eroding rocks that would land on the pavement. It's held in place by a number of heavy-duty bolts right into the mountainside. Not only is the arrangement utile, but it's also rather photogenic, if the light is just right.

To be perfectly fair, volcanic rock is a lot more cohesive than the canyon full of fill dirt that Lowe's is dealing with. But they should have thought of that way back when!


  1. Anonymous5:15 AM

    I've seen similar fencing used in Germany. Most of the time it works.

  2. Anonymous7:08 AM

    And, it's used a lot on coastal cliffs here on the Left Coast. But, the officials also spray some kind of substance that helps keep the dirt or rock from slipping, AND sprays the seeds of native plants. As the vegetation grows, their roots hold the dirt in place.

    That Lowe's gash is gastly. Have you heard how they're doing in sales? Have people "voted" with their wallets?

    ~Anon in AV.

  3. Anonymous10:36 AM

    If it were a matter of technique, I think the falling-wall of Mount Lowe would have been fixed by now. My thoughts run more to cost, blame and politics. As for patronizing Lowes (no pun here, please) we are in a double bind here; protest and don't shop and the city loses the sales taxes that initiated this fiasco. But if we shop we send a "what-the-heck" message as well. Sheeesh, too many dilemmas.

  4. steve -- admittedly this is a small cut, but I suspect it works pretty well.

    anon av -- Sounds like the do some things right on the Left Coast. As for Lowe's, I haven't heard how their business has been. It might be difficult to separate out their dropped sales due to boycott from slow sales due to the economy.

    tony -- I have the perfect out, since I don't drive. But that takes a few bucks away from Home Depot, too. About all I would buy from either (plants for my pots) I can get in the city at KMart or WallyMart or, best yet, Watters when my wallet is fat. Hardware? There's always TruValue -- more sales tax revenue for the city.

  5. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Granny J, What is this anti-Lowes obsession of yours? Do you still harbor the romantic notion that Prescott is a quaint mountain village or pueblo?

    There were a hundred lowe's before Lowe's. Sorry.

  6. boonie -- no great obsession; however, Lowe's hole remains a a very topical subject with Prescott people.

  7. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I could not make this stuff up. I see in today's paper that on Saturday, Home Depot is giving a class. The topic; "How to build a retaining wall", Lowes and the City Council are invited I'm sure

  8. tony -- but the question really is, Will they go??? But what has impressed me with the whole bbusiness is how it's gotten mired in bureaucracy, with studies, consultants and the whole drill.

  9. Anonymous2:38 PM

    If you shop there, money speaks. I know its all ready built and the damage is done, but I can't shop there. Everytime I look at our gouged out mountains I see lack of hunting land, lack of beauty, and the reason tourists flock here going by the wayside. I see wildlife being pushed back and flocks disappearing. It is physically painful for me to gaze upon Lowes much less shop there. My husband and I are hunters and we value open land--not the kind you build on. I think Lowes could have done so many things to make this fair on the residents and fair on the beauty around us. They seem to find the cheapest way to do things even if its not the strongest (hinting at the wall).

  10. Anonymous2:41 PM

    If you want to see if Lowes is losing money, drive by it. The same amount of cars (and not many are there) are always in the parkinglot compared to places like Home Depot.

  11. nikki -- first, thank you vor visiting Walking Prescott (and do come again...) As for Lowe's, I guess the best we can do at the point is avoid it -- and/or persuade their PR person to persuade management to spend a couple of $ thou on wild flower seed to scatter over the hillside (that should have been done this spring to catch the monsoon rains.)

  12. Anonymous4:27 PM

    I agree. This is a very interesting and wonderful blog you have here. You're saved on my favorites list. :o)

  13. thank you, nikki -- I hope to hear from you again.
