Saturday, July 19, 2008

Strolling Downtown Prescott

After my lemonade at the library lizard unveiling yesterday, it was time to move on, heading for the post office, the Square and Whiskey Row. It was hard to miss this pale yellow hollyhock, prospering in the crack between the alley and the wall of my favorite court building on Cortez Street. It probably grew from a seed from the little rear garden at the upper right. I always applaud the local hollyhocks which manage to grow all over the downtown area if given half a chance.

On the other hand, the landscapers at the post office had another idea about how to cover ground in a small flower bed -- plant hens & hope for chicks later on. Not nearly as colorful as the semi-double old fashioned red roses blooming in many of the cross walk containers (below).

Another photo op along the way -- a very, very pockmarked utility pole in an alley. And, below, a sewer cover that tickled my fancy, in part because it was made in the USA. Antique, no doubt. I found myself wondering if we now import our heavy iron sewer covers from China, along with our computers, our plastic toys and nearly everything else.

Over on Whiskey Row at the Arts Prescott Coop, a cool flag had been painted on corrugated iron -- an idea that worked quite nicely. Also neat: the way that the Courthouse reflection merges into the field of blue. Nor could I resist the sinuous, sneaky Oaxacan tiger below. At Sun West Gallery.

Sticking my nose in another door revealed a display of modish crosses (above). The cute little moose below is dedicated to my daughter, whose Alaskan veggie garden has been invaded by moose who are not nearly as cute. She did, by the way, come up with an excellent moose take-off of those LOL Cats pictures which are so popular.

Oh yes, I happened to look up at the skull in front of Matt's and discovered his bright red LED eyes. You discover something new everyday, if you just keep your eyes open. (End sermon.)

This Friday, I was quite aware of visitors from far places; for example, accents from Spain, England and Scandinavia. But what would Whiskey Row be without some bikers to add color. Plus a touch of macho, aided and abetted by products such as jalapeƱo peanut brittle in one of the snack shops. Are you ready to try it?

There were other sights to be seen downtown. A curious example is the face in the tree above; more prosaic, the invitation to add one or two more to your collection of high tech goodies.

This car is a new sight, I believe. It is a good example of how people manage to survive in desirable Arizona mountain towns where good jobs are very few and far between -- create the right business or service.

And -- signs of the peak oil times? Of our future? Not one, but two folks with bicycles plus little yellow wagons, neither containing an infant. Can bicycle rickshaws be very far behind?

Cool Sites: Dagny managed to get a great shot of a Cooper's hawk that was stalking her bird feeders; Smile 'n Sigh laments the passing of old fashioned brick sidewalks.


  1. What a creative place Prescott seems to be!

  2. That pockmarked utility pole easily could be mistaken for a cactus skeleton.


    RE: Mountain Devil--they are even more spikey than Horn Toads.

  3. lucy -- I think that may be because there isn't much to do that's really productive. It's a lovely place to live, up in the mountains, & we get quite a few artists who move here.

    bro -- so I'll go to The Google and seek an image of your spikey devil.

  4. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I know I'm a bit weird, but if there are more "antique" manhole covers in town, I'd love to see a post about them.

    Actually, I remember a painting we saw by a NM artist of a manhole was quite ornate!

    ~Anon in AV

  5. Anonymous11:35 AM

    jalapeno beer, yes... jalapeno peanut brittle, no.
    You have to draw a line somewhere!
    Artful RV Adventurer, Mark

  6. anon av -- your request is my command. I'll keep a lookout for manhole covers.

    mark -- then there's that jalepeno wine offered by the San Dominque winery over at the junction of SR 169 and I17.

  7. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Yay! Manhole covers it is.

    ~Anon in AV.

  8. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Thanks much for the tour! The wife's sayin' we need to get out of town, and I'm thinkin', startin' now, 'jalepeno p-nut brittle'! Yowzuh!

  9. anon av -- I hope I can find enough good ones for a post!

    ad -- are you sure it's not the jalepeno flavored wine that's the draw?

  10. Nice texture fiesta! Loved the glowing red lights in the skull, of course.

  11. The trailers behind the cycles took me back. One day I must publish a pic of HHnB in a similar situation.

  12. avus -- welcome back! This is the first time I've seen little bicycle carts of a practical, carrying-things nature. Usually, it is an infant carrier. However, I'm always looking at any "alternate" form of transport with an eye to where to put the groceries. Like where in the Segway, for instance???
