Friday, August 29, 2008

No photos please

Can't figure this guy out. He runs a small shop on Whiskey Row that's chockablock full of hats. For the cowboy, the biker, the hiker, the golfer. You name it, he has a suitable hat. Even for Dr. Seuss' famous feline. You'd think he'd like publicity, exposure, getting the word out. And pictures on the Internet. But no way! Look at those signs plastered on the door. The act of photography somehow falls in the same category as soda pop (or beer) and sticky candy. The drinks & food I understand. But photos??? I can't believe that he offers totally custom, one-of-a-kind toppers that might potentially be copied by a spy serving a factory over in China. I guess one can't be too careful these days.

PS -- I did get some pictures inside last fall when the Aussie Bro was visiting. He bought himself a fine cheesecutter, which I'll show some day when I do my HATS post.


  1. By happenstance I have that particular cheese cutter on at the moment.

    I wonder if the proprietor has a past and doesn't want his presence to be photographically documented??


  2. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Perhaps you could ask the reason next time you are in the area.

  3. Interesting...

    Did you ask him why...?

    Miss Mari-Nanci

  4. bro -- and a handsome cap it is, too. It was his wares he was protecting, not his rep, as I saw it at the time.

    steve & SnS -- seems to me I did ask (though I don't really recall.) His answer, as best I recall it, was a bit of a mumble about people copying his goods.

  5. I can't see any danger from copying might occur! I guess you never know about these things...
